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16. Apr 2021

Online-Infoworkshop zu Marie Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen (MSCA)

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Das EU-Hochschulnetzwerks Sachsen-Anhalt lädt zur online durchgeführten Informationsveranstaltung Marie Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen (MSCA) am 6. Mai 2021 (14:00-17:00 Uhr) ein. 

Vanessa Sooth von der Nationalen Kontaktstelle (NKS MSC) stellt Ihnen die „Postdoctoral Fellowships“ in englischer und die „Doctoral Networks“ in deutscher Sprache vor, die jeweils durch Erfahrungsberichte erfolgreicher Antragsteller ergänzt werden:

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15. Apr 2021

Upcoming workshops at IPB (March/April 2021)

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The Leibniz Research School PlantBioChem at Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry (IBP) organizes the following workshops:

  • Introduction to OMICS (Part I) with Gerd Balcke, Micha Devi
    on Fri, March 26, 1 pm – 3 pm
  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and MetFamily software tool (Part II) with Gerd Balcke, Micha Devi
    date tba
  • Introduction to and Common Questions in Quantitative PCR (qPCR) with Dr. Selma Gago Zachert (MLU)
    on Fri, April 23, 2021
    1 pm – ca. 3.30 pm (registration open)

Remember that you can also always check here: for upcoming workshops that might be of interest to you.

12. Apr 2021

[RTG 2498] Introduction to Statistics and R – free slots (May 25 – June 1, 2021)

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There are free slots at one of the workshops of MLU’s research training groups (RTG) 2498 “Communication and Dynamics of Plant Cell Compartments” presented by Christian Ristok & Stephan Kambach.

Date: 25 May – 01 June, 2021 (Part I)
Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Format: Online Webinar (MLUconf)

Further details and registration at:

31. Mar 2021

[DFG] DFG-Förderangebote für die wissenschaftliche Karriere (19.04.2021)

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Welche Fördermöglichkeiten bietet die DFG Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern im Anschluss an die Promotion? Wir geben Ihnen einen Überblick über die DFG-Förderinstrumente von der Promotion zur Professur: Mitarbeit in Projekten, Sachbeihilfe mit Eigener Stelle, Walter Benjamin-, Emmy Noether- und Heisenberg-Programm. Das Ganze wird ergänzt durch Tipps zur Vorbereitung eines Antrags.

Quelle: DFG

Interessierte Promovierende und Postdocs aller Fachgebiete sind zur Teilnahme herzlich eingeladen. Die Veranstaltung findet auf Deutsch statt.

  • Wann: am 19. April, 14:00-15:30 Uhr
  • Wo: Webex
    Die Zugangsdaten werden am Tag der Veranstaltung hier veröffentlicht.

31. Mar 2021

[Graduate Academy Greifswald] Online-Vortragsreihe Studium universale im SoSe 2021: Thema “Erkenntnis”

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In diesem Jahr startet erstmals die Vortragsreihe Studium universale. Ihr Ziel ist es, Einblick in die Vielfalt der Wissenschaft(en) zu geben und aus dieser Erfahrung heraus über die eigene Disziplin zu reflektieren. Das Studium universale folgt somit dem Humboldt’schen Bildungsideal. Dazu steht in jedem Sommersemester ein zentrales Thema im Vordergrund, das aus verschiedenen Disziplinen heraus untersucht und auf die eigene Forschungspraxis hin vorgestellt wird. Die Vortragsreihe wendet sich thematisch und inhaltlich an die breite Öffentlichkeit, wobei besonders Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen eingeladen sind, die einzelnen Veranstaltungen zu besuchen. Organisiert wird die Reihe von der Graduiertenakademie der Universität Greifswald in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Alfried Krupp-Wissenschaftskolleg.

Die Einzeltermine von Studium universale im Sommersemester 2021

22.04.2021, 18:00 Uhr, Eröffnungsvortrag: Erkenntnistheorie – Worum geht es da eigentlich?
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Ernst, Philosophie, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

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23. Mar 2021

Successful Networking ( May 4 and 6, 2021 | online)

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Learning new communication skills

Networking well done is about nurturing relationships authentically around common interests, mutual liking, or simply respect. Yet many professionals find it difficult to do; they object to it and only turn to networking when they absolutely need help.

It doesn’t have to be this way. If we do it well, the relationships we nurture become critical to our ability to get things done, get ahead, and develop personally and professionally.
The goal of this workinar (workshop meets webinar) is to identify and unlock successful networking behaviours and learn new ways of communicating. How can I best introduce myself to others? What is most important about reaching out to contacts? Working together we will mobilize your most promising networking skills (both for academic and non-academic opportunities).

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17. Mar 2021

[UL] Gender workshop series: Equal opportunities in research collaborations (May 28 – June 15, 2021)

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The SFB1423, the TRR67 and the SFB1052 mainly at Leipzig University (UL) pool gender equality measures, ideas and offers, in order to sustainably establish the common goal of promoting equal opportunities in research networks. The pooling strategy enables the organization of gender equality activities, which are directly oriented towards the needs in the collaborations, and also provides a common exchange platform. The different workshops will be combined with an opening lecture in which the personal career path of a female scientist working in the research network will be presented. The lectures and the talks are in german language.

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9. Mar 2021

English Academic Writing: The Ground Rules of Writing Well (April 27-30, 2021 | online)

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This online workshop addresses junior and senior scholars from the social sciences and humanities who have good command of the English language, seek to improve their English writing skills, and strive to make their academic papers more idiomatic. The workshop seeks to create an awareness of the typical patterns of non-idiomatic writing to which non-native authors writing in English – and especially German-speaking academics – are prone and equip the participants with strategies to avoid these pitfalls.

The workshop comprises 3 half-day sessions and will be conducted in English by two trainers who have a professional background in the social sciences and many years of experience in teaching English academic writing and in translating and editing academic texts by German-speaking scholars.

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8. Mar 2021

Good Scientific Practice (April 22, 2021 | online)

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Good scientific practice covers a substantial spectrum of scientific conduct: Dealing with data (including checking, recording, ownership and storage), the publishing process and authorship, responsible supervision, academic cooperation, conflicts of interest and dealing with conflicts. Inappropriate academic behaviour includes inventing or faking data, violating intellectual property (theft of ideas or plagiarism), and sabotaging the research of others. More subtle topics, such as skepticism, critical thinking, reproducibility, handling creativity, the danger of axiomatic assumptions and confirmation bias represent the “heart of good scientific practice”. Every scientist should have a professional understanding of all mentioned topics.

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2. Mar 2021

9th call of Mentoring Program for Postdocs in Halle-Jena-Leipzig

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Application period extended until March 15, 2021.

How to establish a scientific profile?
How to become a successful team leader?
What makes grant applications worthy of support?
How to establish a sustainable network?
A career in academia comes along with lots of questions and challenges!

Illustration: Eva Feuchter

From June 2021 the mentoring programme for female postdoctoral researchers, provided by the universities of Halle-Wittenberg, Jena and Leipzig, offers eight places at each university for highly-qualified female postdocs, researchers undertaking a ‘habilitation’, junior scientist group leaders and junior professors, to support them in their development and future careers. Applications can be submitted up to March 15, 2021 by the associated university.

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