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2. Mar 2021

Design of Academic Posters ( April 13 and 16, 2021 | online)

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Starting Point

Poster sessions are an integral part of almost every scientific conference. Their purpose is to highlight research results, visualize them, and stimulate discussion. To draw your audience in, you need a crystal-clear message, 
a text format optimized for best legibility and well-chosen graphics. And above all, you need to think well through how to organize, arrange and illustrate your research content for a printed or digital poster format.

Basic rules of graphic design and layout technique will help you to present your work in a visually well-structured and compelling way. The training shows you how to present your research efficiently and provides time to put directly into practice what you have learned. 

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18. Feb 2021

[ScienceCampus] Workshop CliMetabolomics (June & September 2021)

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CliMetabolomicsis a Franco-german Research Workshop that aims for a better understanding of the plasticity of plants and to develop sustainable plants adapted to climate change. CliMetabolomics offers training in analytical tools and an innovation management method to early career scientists.

The workshop lasts two weeks and consists of seminars, discussions and many practical courses.

  • 14th – 18th June 2021 in France (Versailles & Bordeaux)
  • 27th – 30th September 2021 in Germany (Leipzig & Halle/ Saale)

The workshop is open to PhD students, post-docs and scientists who conduct researchs on plant metabolomics and who are interested in sustainability in the context of climate change.

Please register until April 30, 2021. Further information, the detailed program and latest news can be found at the website.

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10. Feb 2021

Writing successful job applications in English (March 18, 2021 | online)

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How to find a job in the public / private sector – The Complete Package


  • What are your hard strengths and soft strengths and when are they relevant in the job application process?
  • How can you write a good covering letter? Techniques, theory and practice
  • Here you will have the opportunity to get some feedback on a one-to-one basis with respect to your CV in English. You send your CV to the trainer who will give you personalised feedback 
  • Difficult questions in job interviews in English – what are they and how can you answer them?

Each block will last approx. 90 minutes and you will have the opportunity to ask individual questions in the workshop, too. 

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8. Feb 2021

Introduction to Statistics and R (March 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2021 |online)

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R has become a leading statistical programming language in data science and statistics. The R software is free, highly extensible, and allows to easily produce publication-quality plots. The aim of this course is to equip participants with the basic skills to effectively use the software R, embedded in the user interface RStudio. These skills will cover data import, processing and data exploration, graphical representations with ggplot2, basic concepts of statistical inference and linear regression. All topics will be demonstrated in working examples and practiced with hands on examples.

The course will be split in two parts. In the first two days we are going to teach the basic functionality of R, RStudio, and ggplot2. Day three and four are dedicated to the application of statistical tests, which will be extended to linear mixed-effects models.

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2. Feb 2021

[Ref 3.2] Vacant slots at two online workshops

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There are vacant slots in two workshops offered by the staff development department (Ref 3.2) at MLU. Both workshops will be held in German.

Gender in der Lehre (18.02.2021)

  • Rubrik: Hochschuldidaktik Wahlangebote
  • Zielgruppe: Lehrende
  • Format: Online-Seminar im Rahmen des hochschuldidaktischen Wahlangebots
  • Termin: 18.02.2021, 09.00 – 15.00 Uhr mit der Möglichkeit eines anschließenden Lehrcoachings (individuelle Terminvereinbarung mit der Workshopleiterin Frau Dr. Lena Eckert)
  • Siehe Internetseite unter Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

Gestärkt durch die Promotion – Mentalstrategien für Promovierende (ab 16.03.2021)

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27. Jan 2021

[TRR67|UL] – Planung und Durchführung von klinischen Studien unter dem Pandemieaspekt (11.-12.02.21)

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Das Graduiertenkolleg „Matrixengineering“ des TRR67 an der Uni Leipzig lädt herzlich zum Online Workshop zur „Planung und Durchführung von klinischen Studien unter dem Pandemieaspekt“ sowie zu „Möglichkeiten der Forschungsförderung des Technologietransfers“ im Rahmen des TRR67-IGK Moduls „Translational Aspects of Biomaterials“ ein. 

Während des gesamten Workshops wird in besonderem Maße auf die Corona-Pandemiegeschehnisse im Bereich der Therapie, Test- und Impfstoffentwicklung sowie –zulassung eingegangen. 

Für diesen Online-Workshop, der über Adobe Connect, ganztägig, vom 11. bis 12. Februar 2021, von 9.00 – 16.30 Uhr, stattfindet, konnten die Dozenten Herrn Prof. Joachim Kugler und Frau Dr. Nadine Schmieder-Galfe gewonnen werden.

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15. Jan 2021

New Year’s speech 2021 by rector of MLU

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22. Dec 2020

First steps as an international doctoral candidate at MLU

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22. Dec 2020

[iRTG SFB/TRR 102] Time and Self-management | free slots

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22. Dec 2020

Overview of InGrA workshops 2021

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Here you find an overview of InGrA workshops in 2021. Please follow the links for further details and registration.











Detailed information on workshops of InGrA, university’s staff development department and faculty-specific workshops by structured doctoral programs can be found at Workshops 2021

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