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16. Jun 2020

English Academic Writing I: The Ground Rules of Writing Well (July 13-17, 2020 | online)

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This online workshop addresses junior and senior scholars from the social sciences and humanities who have good command of the English language, seek to improve their English writing skills, and strive to make their academic papers more idiomatic. The workshop seeks to create an awareness of the typical patterns of non-idiomatic writing to which non-native authors writing in English – and especially German-speaking academics – are prone and equip the participants with strategies to avoid these pitfalls.

The workshop comprises four half-day sessions (3.5–4 hours each) and will be conducted in English by two trainers who have a professional background in the social sciences and many years of experience in teaching English academic writing and in translating and editing academic texts by German-speaking scholars.

Intended Learning Outcomes

  • You will be aware of some of the important characteristics of the English language that will help improve your writing.
  • You will be conscious of some of the pitfalls that especially German speakers are vulnerable to when writing in English and be familiar with strategies to avoid them.
  • You will be able to use this knowledge to develop a more fluent and lively style of writing.
  • You will be familiar with a wide range of resources, aids, and strategies to help you improve your writing.
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12. Jun 2020

KoWi-Webinar: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Individual Fellowships (July 9, 2020)

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Content: The MSCA Individual Fellowships are aimed at experienced researchers who want to diversify their personal competence in terms of individual training as well as international and intersectoral mobility. Individual Fellowships are open to researchers of any nationality to acquire and transfer new skills and knowledge and to work on research and innovation in Europe and beyond.

On 9 July 2020, KoWi will offer a webinar with information and tips on how to apply for the MSCA Individual Fellowships call 2020. A representative of the Research Executive Agency (REA) will introduce the programme and a successful applicant will give valuable insights into praxis and tips for application. Additionally, KoWi will present tips for drafting a proposal and is happy to answer questions in the chat. Target group are interested applicants with a German host institution, potential supervisors, as well as multipliers from German host institutions.

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5. Jun 2020

Microscopy data: challenges of research data management and first approaches (June 24, 2020)

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3. Jun 2020

[Ref 3.2] Vacant slots at two online workshops

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There are vacant slots in two workshops offered by the staff development department (Ref 3.2) at MLU. Both workshops will be held in German.

Professionelle wissenschaftliche Betreuung: Wie entsteht eine produktive Betreuungsbeziehung, 11. – 12.06.2020 (Dozentin: Dr. Anne-Christin Warskulat)
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2. Jun 2020

Survey: COVID-19 Crisis and the Work-Life Balance

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The COVID-19 crisis has had a major impact on our social and professional lives. The Equal Opportunities Working Group of the German Physical Society has prepared a survey. The aim of this non-commercial, “anonymous” (no personal information is collected) survey is to identify the impact of the pandemic on our work-life balance and to help developing sustainable methods to deal with the crisis. It takes approximately 4-10 minutes to complete the survey.

Link to the survey

20. May 2020

Presentation and Rhetorics (June 23 & July 2, 2020 | online)

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  • Effective introduction for scientific lectures
  • Parameters of nonverbal communication: Effective gestures,
    dominant body language and self-confident appearance
  • The power of the voice: Intonation and speech form
  • Flexible use of rhetorical means and optimization of expression
  • confident handling of disturbances, critical questions and mishaps:
    Strategies and response formulas
  • How to generate attention and create a positive atmosphere
  • Communicate core messages clearly and structure content
  • The Lincoln technique, segmenting the audience and CFA to exit
  • “The salt in the soup”: Mode change for lively presentations
  • Best practice examples from the USA and Great Britain; literature and
    Video recommendations
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19. May 2020

Clear at glance! Designing Effective Academic Posters (June 16 & 22, 2020 | online)

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Due to the Corona-Crisis the following workshop was transferred into an online-seminar and simulates the traditional physical event as closely as possible. The seminar is streamed via Zoom and contains online and offline parts.

Starting Point

Poster sessions are an integral part of almost every scientific conference. Their purpose is to highlight research results, visualise them, and stimulate discussion. To draw your audience in, you need a crystal-clear message, 
a text format optimized for best legibility and well-chosen graphics. And above all, you need to think well through how to organize your research content on the huge A0 poster format.

Basic rules of graphic design and layout technique will help you to present your work in a visually well-structured and appealing way. The training shows you how to present your research efficiently and provides enough time to put directly into practice what you have learned.

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18. May 2020

How to write a persuasive job application (July 6, 2020 | online)

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For many scientists, writing job applications tends to be quite difficult, especially for jobs beyond the academic system. In fact, misapprehensions and mistakes in the application dossier often prevent them from securing jobs they are perfectly suited for. This workshop will help you write a convincing application.

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18. May 2020

Know your competencies – find your job: job search for scientists (June 22-23, 2020 | online)

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A cooperation of InGrA and PhD network.

Scientists have lots of job options, but are often not aware of them. This workshop will support you to see more them on the German labour market. You will learn to go the different steps of job search: to be aware of your competencies, skills and knowledge and to build your career strategies based on them.

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15. May 2020

Webinar coaching for young entrepreneurs in science

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