Overview of structured doctoral programs at MLU
Faculty of Theology
Faculty of Law and Economics
- Gradschool of Just Transition Center (JTC) “JUSTTRANSFER – Labs”
spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Azar Aliyev, coordinator: Maraike Müller (funding 2024-2027) (link) - “Graduate school in law for foreign doctoral students (GRAD)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Azar Aliyev, Prof. Dr. Christian Tietje, coordinator: nn (funding 2021-2025)
- International doctoral program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Philipp Schreck , coordinator: Tatjana Arnold (funding 2014-2026) (link)
- “IWH Doctoral Programme in Economics (IWH-DPE)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Oliver Holtemöller, coordinator: Dr. Andrej Drygalla (link)
Please see also profiles of structured doctoral programs at Faculty of Law and Economics.
Faculty of Medicine
- Research Training Group “Inflammatory cues as modulators of early pancreatic carcinogenesis (InCuPanC) (GRK 2751)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. med. Jonas Rosendahl, coordinator: Sina Krehahn (admin.) (funding 2022-2026) (link)
- Promotionskolleg Medizin “Hallesches Doctoral Certificate Programme in Medicine (HaPKoM)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Michael Bucher, coordinator: Michael Marquardt (link)
- Postgraduate study program “Participation – the purpose of nursing and health care” Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Meyer (link)
- Research Training Group “ProMoAge – Protein Modification: A Key Mechanism for Ageing (GRK 2155)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Andreas Simm, coordinator: Dr. Nancy Zimmermann (funding 2016-2025) (link)
Please see also profiles of structured doctoral programs at Faculty of Medicine.
Faculties of Philosophy
- Research Training Group “Politik der Aufklärung (GRK 2999)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Décultot, coordinator: NN (funding 2025-2030) (link)
- Gradschool of Just Transition Center (JTC) “JUSTTRANSFER – HALIS”
spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Azar Aliyev, coordinator: Maraike Müller (funding 2024-2027) (link) - IMPRS “Global Multiplicity: A Social Anthropology for the Now” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Ursula Rao, coordinator: Dr. Patrick Desplat (funding 2023-2029) (link)
- Research Training Group “Subject-Specific Learning and Interaction in Elementary School (GRK 2731)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Georg Breidenstein, coordinator: Heiko Kastner, Dr. Johanna Leicht (funding 2022-2026) (link)
- Doctoral program “Languages – Texts – Society. Interpreting Asia and Europe” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Ralf Elger, Prof. Dr. Christian Oberländer, coordinator: nn (link)
- Doctoral program “Language – Literature – Society” spokesperson: Dr. Steffen Hendel, coordinator: Felix Kraft (link)
Please see also profiles of structured doctoral programs at Faculty of Philosophy I, Faculty of Philosophy II and Faculty of Philosophy III.
Faculties of Natural Sciences
- International Graduate School “AGRI-explore (AgriPolyII)” spokespersons: Prof. Dr. Edgar Peiter, Prof. Dr. Sven-Erik Behrens, coordinator: Dr. Amanda Ratier Backes (funding 2024-2027) (link)
- Gradschool of Just Transition Center (JTC) “JUSTTRANSFER – CSME”
spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Azar Aliyev, coordinator: Maraike Müller (funding 2024-2027) (link) - International Graduate School “POLY-school (AgriPolyII)” spokespersons: Prof. Dr. Daniel Wefers, Prof. Dr. Thomas Thurn-Albrecht, coordinator: Lea Ueberham (funding 2024-2027)
- Integrated Research Training Group “PROTEOFORuM (SFB 1664)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Marcel Quint, coordinator: Dr. Carolin Delker, Dr. Julia Grimmer (funding 2024-2028) (link)
- Research Training Group “Beyond Amphiphilicity: Self-Organization of Soft Matter Via Multiple Noncovalent Interactions (GRK 2670)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Dariush Hinderberger, coordinator(s): Dr. Imme Sakwa-Waltz (funding 2021-2025) (link)
- Integrated Research Training Group “Ultrafast spin dynamics (SFB/TRR 227)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Wolf Widdra, coordinator: Dr. Britta Anstötz (funding 2018-2025) (link)
- International Research Training Group “TreeDì – 林地 – Tree Diversity Interactions: The role of tree-tree interactions in local neighbourhoods in Chinese subtropical forests (GRK 2324)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Helge Bruelheide, coordinator: Dr. Stefan Trogisch (funding 2018-2027) (link)
- Graduate School “Halle Graduate School of Molecular Biosciences (HaMol)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Ingo Heilmann, coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ingo Heilmann (link)
- Structured doctoral program “Leibniz Research School PlantBioChem” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Steffen Abel (IPB), coordinator: Dr. Antje Hellmuth (link)
- Graduate Program “IPK Graduate Program” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Nicolaus von Wirén, coordinator: Dr. Britt Leps (link)
- Graduate School “yDiv – Graduate School of iDiv (yDiv)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Robert Paxton, coordinator: Dr. Nicole Sachmerda-Schulz (funding 2012-2024) (link)
- Research Training Group “Intrinsically Disordered Proteins – Molecular Principles, Cellular Functions, and Diseases (GRK 2467)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Andrea Sinz, coordinators: Dr. Oleksandr Sorokin (funding 2019-2028) (link)
- Research Training Group “Communication and Dynamics of Plant Cell Compartments (GRK 2498)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Ingo Heilmann, coordinator: Kristin Leimer (funding 2019-2028) (link)
- “International Max Planck Research School for Science and Technology of Nano-Systems (IMPRS-STNS)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Stuart Parkin, coordinator: Dr. Ann-Kristin Flieger, Michael Strauch (funding 2017-2028) (link)
- Graduate School “IAMO Graduate School” spokespersons: Prof. Dr. Alfons Balmann, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Thomas Glauben, Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzfeld, coordinator: Dr. Franziska Hauff (link)
- Graduate School “Helmholtz Interdisciplinary Graduate School for Environmental Research (HIGRADE)” coordinator: Dr. Daniel Kaping (funding since 2007) (link)
Please see also profiles of structured doctoral programs at Faculty of Natural Sciences I, Faculty of Natural Sciences II and Faculty of Natural Sciences III.
Former programs
- European Training Network “Joint Training on Numerical Modelling of Highly Flexible Structures for Industrial Applications” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Martin Arnold, coordinator: Claudia Weinhold-Kiefhaber (funding 2019-2024) (link)
- Promotionskolleg “Vermittlung und Übersetzung im Wandel – Relationale Praktiken der Differenzbearbeitung angesichts neuer Grenzen der Teilhabe an Wissen und Arbeit” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Jörg Dinkelaker, coordinator: Dr. Klara-Aylin Wenten (funding 2019-2023) (link)
- Integrated Research Training Group “Polymers: random coils and beyond (SFB/TRR 102)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Kay Saalwächter, coordinator: Dr. Ann-Kristin Flieger, Beate Horn (funding 2011-2023) (link)
- International Graduate School “Functional Polymers (AgriPoly-FP)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Thomas Groth, coordinator: Dr. Nicole Blaser (funding 2017-2022) (link)
- International Graduate School “AgriPoly – Determinants of Plant Performance (AgriPoly-DPP)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Holger B. Deising, Prof. Dr. Klaus Humbeck, coordinator: PD Dr. Carsten Milkowski (funding 2017-2022) (link)
- “Vladimir-Admoni-Programm Sprach- und Sprechwissenschaft” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Ines Bose (funding 2017-2019, 2020-2022) (link)
- International Max Planck Research School “International Max Planck Research School for the Anthropology, Archaeology and History of Eurasia (IMPRS ANARCHIE)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Chris Hann, Prof. Dr. François Bertemes, Prof. Dr. Andreas Pecăr, coordinator: Dr. Sascha Roth (funding 2012-2021) (link)
- International Graduate School “The obligation of societal norms” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Andreas Pečar, Prof. Dr. Heiner F. Klemme, coordinator: Dr. John Walsh (funding 2018-2021) (link)
- Graduate School “Techniques of the Future-Making” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Matthias Kaufmann, Prof. Dr. Reinhold Sackmann, Prof. Dr. Christian Papilloud, coordinator: Dr. Daniele Cantini (link)
- Helmholtz Research School “Ecosystem Services under Changing Land-use and Climate (ESCALATE)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Ralf Seppelt (UFZ), coordinator: Dr. Michael Beckmann (funding 2013-2020)
- International Max Planck Research School “International Max Planck Research School on Retaliation, Mediation and Punishment (IMPRS REMEP)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Günther Schlee, coordinator: Timm Sureau
- Research Training Group “Posttranscritional control of gene expression: mechanisms and role in pathogenesis (GRK 1591)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Stefan Hüttelmaier, coordinator: Anne Baude (administr.)
- Graduate School “Society and Culture in Motion” spokesperson(s): Prof. Dr. Christian Papilloud, Prof. Dr. Reinhold Sackmann, Philosophische Fakultät I (link)