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All posts tagged ‘GSP‘

16. Apr 2024

[HAW] KI und Dissertation – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen (26.04.24)

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Im folgenden Kurs der Promotionszentren der HAW in Sachsen-Anhalt sind noch Restplätze verfügbar. Diese stehen allen Promovierenden in Sachsen-Anhalt offen. Kursinhalt Die Bedeutung von großen Sprachmodellen (KI) für das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten wird spätestens seit der starken Verbreitung von ChatGPT intensiv diskutiert. In diesem Workshop werden wir den Blick darauf richten, wie unterschiedliche KI-Textgeneratoren (z.B. ChatGPT & […]

1. Nov 2022

[IMPRS-STNS] Good Scientific Practice (November 7, 2022)

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The International Max Planck Research School for Science and Technology of Nano-Systems (IMPRS-STNS) has a few vacant seats in the following workshop. “Good Scientific Practice – Protecting Scientific Integrity” Date: Monday, November 7. Detailed information on the IMPRS website Please register by sending an email to Michael Strauch until November 3, 2022. Motivation: Participation in a workshop on […]

14. Dec 2021

Good Scientific Practice (February 21, 22, 2022 | online)

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The participants will get an overview about the rules of good scientific practice and the handling with cases of scientific misconduct, and will explore the differences and grey areas of questionable research practice. They will learn about local, national and international regulations and guidelines. It is a goal of the course to create space for reflexions […]

29. Sep 2021

Good Scientific Practice (November 4, 2021 | online)

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Any responsible conduct of research should be based on honesty, accuracy, efficiency, and objectivity. The online-workshop Good Scientific Practice focuses on these scientific standards of international research. It raises awareness of the subject matter by providing doctoral candidates with a set of professional values and ethical norms as well as required competencies and skills to […]

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