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14. Sep 2020

Upcoming courses in doctoral program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business”

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Please register for the following three upcoming courses:

  • Behavioral Business Ethics (winter term 2020/21) by Prof. Dr. Philipp Schreck,
  • Markets without Limits (December 02, 2020 and January 14, 2021),
  • Philosophical Ethics of Leadership (January 22/29, 2021)

Behavioral Business Ethics (winter term 2020/21) by Prof. Dr. Philipp Schreck

Objectives of the Course

The behavioral sciences have reached the field of business ethics. In contrast to the normative question of how individuals should decide and behave in business contexts, research in behavioral business ethics is mainly interested in why and how people actually take ethical decisions. Specifically, it often aims at understanding personal and situational factors that may cause a gap between an actor’s willingness to behave ethically, and his or her actual behavior. To pursue its research objectives, behavioral ethics draws on behavioral psychology, experimental economics, cognitive science and related fields.

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to important questions, methodologies, and research results of behavioral business ethics. Based on both classic readings and topical research papers, we will discuss various approaches and findings, and explore their implications for a modern understanding of business ethics. The list of topics we cover is by no means exhaustive, but I hope it gives you a valuable impression of what behavioral business ethics is about. […]

Times and Location

  • Location: online lectures & seminar (via Zoom) 
  • Time: Mondays, 16.00-18:00 (dates see full course description)
  • Registration: Until October 11, 2020 via (registering after this date may be possible upon request)

Markets without Limits by Prof. Dr. Ingo Pies

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

Ph.D. candidates should read the book and form their own opinion. During the course, they learn to distinguish analytical interpretation from critical evaluation. In likewise fashion, they become familiar with understanding and criticizing positive as well as normative arguments. Based on the practical syllogism, they learn to complement downstream with upstream reasoning. Furthermore, they become familiar with distinguishing between semiotic and non- semiotic arguments. In sum, this course offers to improve one’s techniques for text analysis and text discussion while at the same time providing an overview of the most important arguments for and against markets. […]

Times and Location

  • Location: SR 5.10, MLU, VSP1, 06120 Halle (Saale)
  • Daten and Time: December 02, 2020 and January 14, 2021 | 9:00-18:00
  • Registration: Until November 12, 2020 via  (registering after this date might be possible upon request)

Philosophical Ethics of Leadership by PD Dr. Lisa Schmalzried


To fill leadership positions adequately is a demanding task, and some managers are not able or willing to take up this challenge. This is a problem. Bad leadership is responsible for many economic, social, and also personal problems. It impairs a company ́s performance and its profits, demotivates and daunts employees, or leads to burn outs and depressions. Good leadership on the other hand stimulates innovations and creativity, fosters constructive problem solving, excites employees for new tasks and promotes their talents. The question what defines good and bad leadership is thus highly relevant.

The seminar builds on the assumption that a good leader is an ethic-orientated leader. An ethic-oriented leader aligns their behaviour towards moral values and promotes those in the behaviour of others. One should lead others in an ethic- orientated way because as human beings we are all obliged to act morally whenever we act. Furthermore, such leadership tends to pay off in the long run. […]

Times and Location

  • Location: online course
  • Daten and Time: January 22/29, 2021 | 9:00-17:00
  • Registration: December 13, 2020 via  (registering after this date might be possible upon request)

All three courses are organised by the doctoral program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business”.

Über Thomas Michael

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