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30. Nov 2021

Concept and Design of Academic Presentations (January 25, 2022 | online)

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Starting Point

Among all the challenges you might face being a scientist, you should be able to effectively communicate your research and share your knowledge to a wide range of audiences by the means of academic presentations. 
To draw your audience in and to get your main message across, you need a clear concept, proper slides, and convincing visuals. 

The workshop conveys a basic knowledge about concept, design, and visualisation to present research content visually well organized and compelling. The course will equip you with both the concepts and the practical design skills to create convincing presentations and provides the possibility to put directly into practice what you have learned as well as to get useful feedback from group and trainer.

Line Up 

25. January 2022
9:00 – 12:00 | ONLINE

  • target-oriented presentations: structure, main message, target audience, objectives, dramaturgy
  • design basics (typography, colour, graphics, proportional balance, composition, alignment etc.)
  • implementing visualisations – enhancing the clarity of your visual aids and slides
  • tips how to use design grids and slide templates 

13:00 – 14:30 | PARTLY OFFLINE

Practice time to design or redesign your presentations 

14:30 – 16:00 | ONLINE

Feedback session – hints and tips how to work on – time for questions

Target Group

Doctoral students and Postdocs

Please note

You are warmly invited to bring material (text, images, graphics etc.) of your current research work or a recently designed presentation. We will preferably work with PowerPoint, but you can also use a comparable application of your choice.

Term and Application

  • January 25, 2022
  • Format: online
  • Group size: maximum 12
  • Workshop-Language: English

Registration complete


Birgit Lukowski is a communication designer and trainer, based in Berlin. Her design and presentation workshops are offered at numerous research institutes across Germany 


This workshop has been realised with financial support from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.


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