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1. Aug 2023

[WCGE] upcoming workshops WiSe 2023/24

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The doctoral program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business” offers the following workshops to doctoral students at MLU

MARKETS WITHOUT LIMITS (November 24, 2023 and January 18, 2024) by Prof. Dr. Ingo Pies, MLU

In recent years, prominent academics like Michael Sandel have criticized the tendency of markets to commodify human relations. They argue that some things should not be for sale, and they emphasize what money can’t buy. As a consequence, they call for limiting the extent of the market in modern society. In doing so, they argue from the vantage point of (ancient, Aristotelian) virtue ethics. This has prompted critical reactions, both from economists and philosophers. Recently, Jason Brennan and Peter Jaworski devoted a whole book to repudiating and countering the numerous arguments by virtue ethicists. Their perspective might seem unfamiliar, and hence especially informative and surprising, which makes reading their book an intellectual event – irrespective of whether you agree with them or not. – This course introduces the moral debate and examines the political relevance of the topic:

Should kidneys be for sale? Should we legalize drugs? Should prostitution be prohibited? Should we restrict suicide assistance to not-for-profit organizations? Should we outlaw surrogate motherhood?

PHILOSOPHICAL ETHICS AND LEADERSHIP (January 11 and 12, 2024) by PD Dr. Lisa Schmalzried, MLU

To fill leadership positions adequately is a demanding task, and some managers are not able or willing to take up this challenge. This is a problem. Bad leadership is responsible for many economic, social, and also personal problems. It impairs a company ́s performance and its profits, demotivates and daunts employees, or leads to burn outs and depressions. Good leadership on the other hand stimulates innovations and creativity, fosters constructive problem solving, excites employees for new tasks and promotes their talents. The question what defines good and bad leadership is thus highly relevant.

The seminar builds on the assumption that good leadership is ethic-orientated, responsible leadership. An ethic-oriented manager aligns their behaviour towards moral values and promotes those in the behaviour of others. One should lead others in an ethic-orientated way because as human beings we are all obliged to act morally whenever we act. Furthermore, such leadership tends to pay off in the long run.

ARE YOU A WRITER, OR JUST WRITING? WRITING BUSINESS ETHICS DIFFERENTLY (November 14-23, 2023) by Prof. Emma Bell, Prof. Markus Beckmann, editor of JBE (to be confirmed)

All academics write, but not all of us consider ourselves “writers.” In this workshop, we will investigate and push against the boundaries of the genre of academic writing in business ethics. The pressure to write in order to publish means that many of us choose concise, informative styles of writing that follow the templates of published papers. Additionally, young career scholars are encouraged to stick to the genre so as to not “perish” in the publishing landscape. But many of the topics studied in business ethics call for us and our readers to think, act, and move differently in the world–which includes the main way we convey our ideas through writing.

The topics that we study and the values we pursue in our academic lives can also encourage us to write differently in order to convey different ethical norms and values that challenge traditional academic writing forms.

In this three-part writing workshop, we first bring together a panel of writers in an interactive online panel to discuss the boundaries of academic writing in the field of business ethics. Together we can ponder the question: how can we write ethics differently? What does this mean to us? The second portion of the workshop takes place asynchronously; participants will be matched with a writing partner with whom you can work with in tackling different writing prompts: taking an academic paper and experimenting with its form (tweet, post, poem, a magazine article, etc.), prose, or narrative voice. The third portion of the workshop reconvenes the group together online to share outcomes, processes, and challenges.

Über Thomas Michael

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