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23. Oct 2023

[U Heidelberg] Study on the topic of Time Use, Networking Behavior & Visibility in the academic field

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The Chair of Organizational Behavior of the Alfred Weber Institute (AWI) for Economics at the University of Heidelberg is looking for participants for a study on the topic of Time Use, Networking Behavior & Visibility in the academic field.

Participants (female/male/diverse) should already be at the Postdoc phase of their academic career or beyond. The study will take place across disciplines and universities and is in English. The study consists of a survey (approximately 35 minutes) and an experimental session (approximately 40 minutes). Both parts of the study will take place online. Earnings will be on average 20 Euros per hour depending on decisions and performance in different tasks.

If you are interested in participating, you can register via the following portal:

After successful registration, you will be contacted by mail, if you should be selected for the study. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the research team, Prof. Dr. Christiane Schwieren and Sara Engeler via .

Über Thomas Michael

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