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Thomas Michael

All posts by Thomas Michael

2. Nov 2022

Stipends for doctoral students from the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt 2023

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Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) biannually provides funding for scholarships. The funding comes from the Ministry of Science, Energy, Climate Protection and Environment of the State of Saxony-Anhalt. Start of the funding for this call is in the summer semester in April 2023. Eligibility Criteria Eligible applicants are those who have demonstrated a special aptitude […]

1. Nov 2022

Call for entries German Study Award (Deutscher Studienpreis) 2023

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The competition is aimed at young scientists from all disciplines who have submitted an excellent dissertation of particular social significance in 2022. With three top prizes of 25,000 euros each, it is one of the most highly endowed German prizes for young researchers. The closing date for the current call for entries is March 1, […]

1. Nov 2022

[IMPRS-STNS] Good Scientific Practice (November 7, 2022)

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The International Max Planck Research School for Science and Technology of Nano-Systems (IMPRS-STNS) has a few vacant seats in the following workshop. “Good Scientific Practice – Protecting Scientific Integrity” Date: Monday, November 7. Detailed information on the IMPRS website Please register by sending an email to Michael Strauch until November 3, 2022. Motivation: Participation in a workshop on […]

27. Oct 2022

[Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung] Gruppenmoderation. Techniken und Methoden der Moderation (12.11.22)

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Die Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung lädt ein zum Green Campus Tagesseminar: Gruppenmoderation. Techniken und Methoden der Moderation Wie moderiere ich Diskussionen in Gruppen und Sitzungen transparent und demokratisch? Unser Seminar vermittelt praxisnah Methoden und Handwerkszeug der Moderation und Gesprächsführung und thematisiert Aufgaben und Funktion von Moderierenden. Die Teilnehmenden entwickeln ein Verständnis für die professionelle Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Ergebnissicherung […]

26. Oct 2022

Take 5 minutes to rock your mental health

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Dr. Hendrik Huthoff, coordinator of the UniWiND group on mental health, has written a song about mental health together with Maik Goth and published it on YouTube. Be sure to listen and share!Watch the music video.

26. Oct 2022

[Die Junge Akademie] Become a member

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Die Junge Akademie stands for the promotion of outstanding young scientists and artists, interdisciplinary work, and work at the intersections between science and society. It offers its members access to a wide, continually growing network as well as an attractive location and financial means for implementing joint interdisciplinary projects. The members of Die Junge Akademie are united by […]

19. Oct 2022

[yDiv/HIGRADE] Online Mental Health Awareness Week (November 1-4, 2022 | online)

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Leipzig University, yDiv/iDiv and HIGRADE/UFZ organize an annual Mental Health Awareness Week. During the theme week, you will find various online offers (most of them in English) for relaxation exercises in the morning, workshops on mindfulness and mental training, and reports from those affected. In addition, information on prevention and dealing with mental stress will […]

19. Oct 2022

[iRTG Polymers] Macromolecular Structures Leipzig 2023 (March 1-3, 2023)

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The doctoral students of the iRTG “Polymers: random coils and beyond” are organising the final conference MacroStruct 23 of its SFB/TRR 102 “Polymers under multiple constraints”. The organizing committee encourages you and your group members to join the conference MacroStruct 23 in Leipzig, 1-3 March 2023. The meeting centres around processes of macromolecular structure formation, such as polymer crystallisation and protein fibrillation, […]

18. Oct 2022

[Junge Akademie] Yang-Mills Theorien: Existenz und Massenlücke (18. November 2022)

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Die Junge Akademie lädt hiermit herzlich zur Abschlussveranstaltung der bundesweiten Reihe „Die 7 größten Abenteuer der Mathematik“ ein. Initiatorinnen der Reihe unter der Schirmherrschaft der Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung Bettina Stark-Watzinger sind Die Junge Akademie und die Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung. Nach sechs erfolgreichen Veranstaltungen zu den größten Problemen der Mathematik, den Millennium-Problemen, findet die letzte […]

17. Oct 2022

[Heidelberg Center for American Studies] Annual Spring Academy Conference (March 20-24, 2023)

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Call for Papers The Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) invites applications for its annual Spring Academy on American Culture, Economics, Geography, History, Literature, Politics, and Religion to be held from March 20-24, 2023. The HCA Spring Academy provides 20 international Ph.D. students with the opportunity to present and thoroughly discuss their Ph.D. projects. Additionally, […]

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