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Thomas Michael

All posts by Thomas Michael

23. Feb 2022

New index evaluates nutrients: How healthy is canteen food?

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Here you find the doctoral student’s profile of Frank Forner. He published results of his doctoral studies at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and shared the research more widely with a press release. About the author: F. Forner (second from right) with the working group of the Back-to-the-Roots project, a joint project of MLU with TU […]

14. Feb 2022

InGrA Meeting Hours available

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The International Graduate Academy (InGrA) offers doctoral students of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg appointments for discussions and advice (20 min each) on topics related to doctoral studies. Via the following link you can book an appointment with Dr. Thomas Michael, the manager of InGrA. When booking, you have the possibility to outline your question in […]

9. Feb 2022

[IAMO/IPB GS] Successfully shaping the doctoral phase (February-April 2022 | online)

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There are free slots in this workshop series organised by the IAMO Graduate School and Leibniz Research School PlantBioChem at IPB. A productive and professional supervision relationship makes a decisive contribution to the success of the doctorate. The workshop series aims to empower supervisors and doctoral researchers in establishing a fruitful supervision relationship. Considering the specific […]

7. Feb 2022

Circular economy: Researchers show how synthetic rubber raw material can be degraded

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Here you find the doctoral student’s profile of Vico Adjedje. He published results of his doctoral studies at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and shared the research more widely with a press release. About the author: Vico Adjedje ORCHID ID, ResearchGate Research area(s): Polymer degradation, nano materials, colloid chemistry, enzymatic degradation Institute of Chemistry (link), MLU […]

25. Jan 2022

[IAMO GS] Get ready for successful media interaction: Camera Coaching (March 30, 2022)

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There are two free slots in this workshop organised by the IAMO Graduate School. This practical seminar helps you to get the right wording for explaining your research findings to a non-scientific audience. It prepares you for various interview situations (e.g.  background interview to a print journalist, live interview, discussion rounds on the radio/TV). Practical exercises […]

20. Jan 2022

[UL] Coffee Conversations – Post-doctoral non-academic career paths (February 9, 2022)

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Leipzig University hosts Dr Christoph Leuze for a conversation on Wednesday February 9th, 2022 between 5pm and 6.30pm. He holds a PhD in cognitive and neuroscience and is director of the Visualization Core at Stanford’s Wu Tsai Institute, where his research focuses on virtual and augmented reality technologies for medical applications. He is also the founder of Nakamir, a company that aims to improve […]

17. Jan 2022

Support for young scientists with care responsibilities

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Individuals who care for children or family members and teach and conduct research at the same time are currently facing very special challenges, as the Corona pandemic continues to result in frequent caregiver absences. Please check the following document for your application to student assistant funds via FEMPOWER@MLU, a project of the Office of Diversity […]

17. Jan 2022

Equality promotion 2022

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Calls for proposals for Women’s Grants 2022 (in German) at MLU via Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity are online. Current calls for proposals: Networking funds for the promotion of young female scientists in 2022: PhD students, postdocs, habilitation students and junior professors can apply for funding for 2022 for participation in conferences and further […]

14. Jan 2022

[Ref 3.2] Impact Training (February 8, 2022)

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There are vacant slots in this workshop offered by the staff development department (Ref 3.2) at MLU. Do you feel under pressure to produce impact both within, but definitely beyond academia? But time is a scarce resource! And you are not yet clear how to build a successful impact strategy. The training will give you […]

10. Jan 2022

[Ref 3.2] Intensive Preparatory English for Academics (February 21 – March 18, 2022)

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The department Referat 3.2 – Personalentwicklung offers this workshop to doctoral students and postdocs at MLU. This course is a four week, five sessions per week class. The goal of the course is to review both the basics of English grammar and tense structures, as well as, prepare students for writing long form texts in […]

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