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Thomas Michael

All posts by Thomas Michael

15. Oct 2021

[Graduate schools] free slots in workshops (October & November 2021)

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“Stress management” (October 28-29, 2021) The Research Training Group “Intrinsically Disordered Proteins – Molecular Principles, Cellular Functions, and Diseases (GRK 2467)” organizes the workshop “Stress management”. It will take place online 9:30AM – 12:30PM 28th & 29th October 2021. There are spaces left so please join the workshop in case of interest by contacting Claudia Spielmann.

7. Oct 2021

Funding possibilities for the postdoctoral phase (November 8-10, 2021)

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Part I (November 8, 2021) – Funding opportunities for research stays abroad as well as for the own position at home and abroad The main topics of the workshop are funding possibilities for the postdoc phase (research stays abroad or scientific position in Germany). Funding opportunities from the EU, the DFG and the DAAD will […]

7. Oct 2021

International PhD Days 2021 (October 21/22, 2021)

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The International PhD Days mainly aim at doctoral candidates who have recently started their PhD at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. You will have the opportunity to learn about important areas of the university and its support services during short presentations.  Schedule Thursday, October 21, 2021 1:00 – 1:30 pm: Welcome and opening of the International […]

28. Sep 2021

HIGRADE Conference (October 11, 2021)

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The HIGRADE team cordially invite all of you to this years HIGRADE Conference on 11 October 2021 (start: 9 am). The conference will be held as a fully virtual event. Doctoral researchers from Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research UFZ will present their work in entertaining speed talks and there will be plenty of opportunities for in-depth exchange during […]

20. Sep 2021

Digital network meeting “PhD with disabilities” (October 08, 2021)

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The project “PROMI – PhD inclusive” cordially invites all PhD enthusiasts, PhD students and PhD students with disabilities/chronic physical/mental illnesses to the first open digital network meeting on October 8, 2021 from 09:00 to 13:30. The meeting will be in German. The network meeting offers space for exchange about the challenges of doing a PhD […]

15. Sep 2021

[TEO] Innovation Toolkit: User Research, Agile Teams & Future Thinking (November 15-16, 2021)

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How much of a visionary is in you? Find out how to develop a product for a specific target group with the help of an empathetic mindset. In interactive sessions with other researchers, you will put yourself in the shoes of a user and work towards formulating a vision statement for a product or service. […]

14. Sep 2021

Lindau Guidelines 2020 released

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The Lindau Guidelines aim for an open, cooperative science community where data and knowledge are freely shared. The goals are ambitious, and their implementation can be achieved through different methods. The goals have been discussed, amended and refined, and were released after the Online Science Days in June 2020. 10 Goals in Brief

13. Sep 2021

[RTG 2498] Workshop “Scientists in Leadership” (October 19 & 26, 2021)

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The registration of the online RTG 2498 workshop “Scientists in Leadership” on 19 & 26 October, 2021 (9:00 am to 5:00 pm) presented by Dr. Gaby Schilling Coaching is now open to RTG-external participants. A few free spots are still available. Please register at the following website:

10. Sep 2021

Open (Omics) Data in the life-sciences (October 13, 2021)

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Webinar description There is plenty of Research Data in Biological and Chemical Research,but sometimes it is not published or trapped in bad supplemental data.If instead data is open and public, it can be re-used to generatefurther insights or to develop and validate bioinformatics approaches.While generic research data repositories exist, it is really the OpenData in […]

1. Sep 2021

[Trier University] 3rd Interdisciplinary PhD Conference (December 3, 2021)

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The 3rd Interdisciplinary PhD Conference “Pushing Boundaries“ is organised by the University Group “DocColloq“ at Trier University. Contributions from all subject areas are welcome. Let‘s overcome the boundaries between our disciplines! Friday, December 3, 2021, 09.00am – 05.00pm, digital conference Call for Papers/Media Sessions  Submission deadline: Thursday, September 30 2021 Please send an abstract of […]

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