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Thomas Michael

All posts by Thomas Michael

10. Nov 2020

DFG approves new Research Training Group “Beyond Amphiphilicity” at MLU

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The Senate of the German Research Foundation (DFG) decided on Friday to establish the new Research Training Group “Beyond Amphiphilicity: Self-Organization of Soft Matter Via Multiple Noncovalent Interactions (GRK 2670)” at MLU. In the first funding phase until 2025, about 4.5 million euros will be available for the doctoral program. (from MLU press release No […]

9. Nov 2020

Open Educational Resources (November 11, 2020)

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During this final webinar, the Open Educational Resources (OERs) of the MLU will be presented. What are these materials, how can these be used properly, where can you find these, and what legal matters do you need to bear in mind if you create OERs are some of the topics that will be discussed. Get […]

2. Nov 2020

MENTAL HEALTH LITERACY TALK – online (November 12, 2020)

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This lecture is about the prevalence of mental health illness in general and academic populations, about signs and symptoms and the science underlying the causes and treatments of mental illnesses, with an emphasis on depression and anxiety. Our speaker will be Wendy Marie Ingram, PhD. She is a scientist, mental health advocate, consultant and speaker. […]

2. Nov 2020

Coding Contest’ 20

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2. Nov 2020

Scidea Stage 2020

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2. Nov 2020

Open Science Services and support at the MLU (November 4, 2020)

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Join this webinar to learn what the ULB and the MLU are doing to support the Open Access and Open Science initiatives. Find out more about the publications fund of the MLU which can cover the costs of your open access publications. Take home valuable tips about how to make your research findings visible and […]

22. Oct 2020

Publishers, legal aspects, and internet publishing (October 28, 2020)

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Legal aspects such as data ownership, rights management and licensing attribution of your research outputs must be considered when publishing your scientific results. Join this webinar and learn more about these important issues. We’ll be reporting on the state of the DEAL negotiations, the different publication modalities offered by publishing companies, what is predatory publishing, […]

15. Oct 2020

InGrA Survey: Starting your doctorate at MLU

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Doing a doctorate means primarily doing research. But what are the best tips for starting a doctorate at MLU? Are you a doctoral student at MLU? InGrA asks you for your experience to help newcomers at the beginning of their doctoral studies. Please fill out the following form:

14. Oct 2020

Rapeseed instead of soy burgers: researchers identify a new source of protein for humans

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Here you find the doctoral student’s profile of Christin Volk. She published results of her doctoral studies at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and shared the research more widely with a press release. About the author: Christin Volk Research area(s): Human Metabolism Institute for Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences (link), MLU Field(s) of expertise during doctoral studies: […]

14. Oct 2020

Let’s Go! (October 28, 2020 | online)

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This seminar will help you start with your PhD and deal with some typical difficulties that you might be confronted with in the coming years: Topics How to deal with procrastination? How to deal with workload and stress? Getting things done: best-practice techniques  Ways to improve your working and research skills How to maintain a […]

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