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News from graduate schools

3. Feb 2023

[yDiv] The power of saying no (February 17, 2023 | online)

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There are free slots in the following workshop organised by yDiv the graduate school of the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig.

When everything feels like an opportunity, a priority, or an obligation, how do we say no? The truth is we cannot start saying no until we get clear on why we keep saying yes to everything.

In the webinar “The power of saying no” with lecturer Desiree Dickerson on 17 February, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm, you will explore:

  • why we tend to say yes (people-pleasing, scarcity and uncertainty, perceived opportunities, regret minimisation, emotion, obligation, the path of least resistance)
  • the impacts of saying yes to everything: time poverty, exhaustion, loss of self and loss of joy for what we do
  • why we need to start saying no
  • how to start saying no (clear boundaries and priorities, with confidence and without guilt)

You can register here by 13 February. You are welcome to forward this link to interested colleagues. 

The webinar takes places within the yDiv event series ‘mental well-being in academia’.

25. Jan 2023

[IMPRS] Workshop on presentation skills (February 6/7 or 8/9, 2023)

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The International Max Planck Research School for Science and Technology of Nano-Systems (IMPRS-STNS) has a few vacant seats in the following two workshops on the same topics.

  • “Presentation Skills” 
  • Date: February 6/7 or February 8/9, 2023
  • target group: doctoral students and postdocs
  • Detailed information on the IMPRS website
  • Please register by sending an email to Michael Strauch until January 27, 2023.

20. Jan 2023

[WCGE] upcoming workshops SoSe2023

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The doctoral program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business” offers the following workshops to doctoral students at MLU

THE RISE OF VICTIMHOOD CULTURE (April 27-28, 2023) by Prof. Dr. Ingo Pies, MLU

CONSTRUCTIVE DIALOGUE: HOW TO NAVIGATE AND LEARN IN POLARIZED DEBATES (April 17 and May 4, 2023) by Prof. Dr. Markus Beckmann FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

ECONOMIC ETHICS (April 20-21, 2023) by Prof. Dr. Andreas Suchanek HHL Graduate School of Management

“NORMATIVE METHODS” (June 8-9, 2023) by PD Dr. Lisa Schmalzried

10. Jan 2023

Wegbereiterinnen: Frauen in den Naturwissenschaften (19. Januar 2023)

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Lise Meitner – was wir aus Ihrem „inhaltsreichen Leben“ heute lernen können

by Prof. Dr. Cornelia Denz (PTB Braunschweig)

Lise Meitner gehört durch ihre Entdeckung und Erklärung der Kernspaltung zu den bedeutendsten wissenschaftlichen Persönlichkeiten des 20 Jahrhunderts. „Unsere Madame Curie“ nannte sie daher ihr Kollege Albert Einstein, und verweist damit gleichzeitig auf eine Zeit, in der Frauen in der Physik rar waren und an vielen Fronten um Anerkennung kämpfen mussten. Lise Meitner forschte unter diesen Bedingungen dennoch höchst erfolgreich, zunächst an der Universität, später am Kaiser-Wilhelm- Institut für Chemie in Berlin. Ihre herausragende Forschungskarriere wurde zu Beginn der NS-Herrschaft jäh unterbrochen und führte sie auf abenteuerlichem, beschwerlichem Weg in ein Leben im Exil in Schweden. Auch dort blieb Lise Meitner ihrem Lebensziel treu, ein „inhaltsreiches Leben“ zu führen: die Physik zu verstehen und bleibende wissenschaftliche Beiträge zu leisten.

Der Vortrag stellt Lise Meitner in verschiedenen Facetten vor, als Studentin, Physikerin, Abteilungsleiterin und Privatdozentin, aber auch als Kollegin und Freundin, und diskutiert aktuelle Bezüge zu Frauen in den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften heute.

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14. Dec 2022

Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business – Call for Applications

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The Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics (WCGE) hosts the international doctoral program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business” (ERL). For admissions in October/November 2023, the program will award up to four


The membership in the doctoral program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business” offers a wide range of opportunities for academic and professional exchange and networking, for example in the context of field projects with companies and NGOs and through regular discussions with experts from academia and practice. The study program promotes the research activities of the doctoral students thematically and methodologically, helps them to become aware of questions of theory-practice transfer, and broadens their research horizons.The close exchange between the doctoral students is ensured by regular events such as monthly jour fixe, work on joint projects and multi- day writing retreats.

The scholarships include a monthly living stipend of 1,350 € and research allowance of 100 € financed by the Karl Schlecht Foundation (KSG). Further candidates will be assisted with applying for other doctoral scholarships, for examples by putting them forward for doctoral scholarship by the Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (sdw). It is also possible to participate in the doctoral program without having a scholarship.

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30. Nov 2022

Wegbereiterinnen: Frauen in den Naturwissenschaften (8. Dezember 2022)

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Naturwissenschaftlerinnen im 20. Jahrhundert – von den Ausnahmen zur Normalität

by Hon.-Prof. Dr. Anette Vogt

HU Berlin & MPI für Wissenschaftsgeschichte

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9. Nov 2022

Wegbereiterinnen: Frauen in den Naturwissenschaften (17. November 2022)

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Gender und Diversität in den Fachkulturen der Physik

by Prof. Dr. Martina Erlemann

Department of Physics, Freie Universität Berlin

Dass das Geschlecht von Forschenden in der Physik den Karriereerfolg beeinflussen kann, auch wenn es eigentlich keine Rolle spielen sollte, ist hinlänglich bekannt. Allerdings können auch soziale Herkunft, Migrationshintergrund und weitere Diversitätskategorien Auswirkungen auf eine wissenschaftliche Karriere haben. Der Vortrag wird einige Forschungsbefunde aus der Gender- und Diversitätsforschung zur Physik vorstellen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt wird dabei auf Studien zu Arbeitsplatzkulturen in der Physik gelegt.

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3. Nov 2022

[iRTG Polymers] Know your competencies – find your job: Job Search for Scientists (November 16 – 17, 2022)

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There are free slots at this workshop organised by integrated Research Training Group “Polymers: random coils and beyond”.

1. Nov 2022

[IMPRS-STNS] Good Scientific Practice (November 7, 2022)

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The International Max Planck Research School for Science and Technology of Nano-Systems (IMPRS-STNS) has a few vacant seats in the following workshop.

  • “Good Scientific Practice – Protecting Scientific Integrity”
  • Date: Monday, November 7.
  • Detailed information on the IMPRS website
  • Please register by sending an email to Michael Strauch until November 3, 2022.
  • Motivation: Participation in a workshop on Good Scientific Practice once during your PhD is highly recommended, so please make use of this opportunity!

19. Oct 2022

[yDiv/HIGRADE] Online Mental Health Awareness Week (November 1-4, 2022 | online)

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Leipzig University, yDiv/iDiv and HIGRADE/UFZ organize an annual Mental Health Awareness Week. During the theme week, you will find various online offers (most of them in English) for relaxation exercises in the morning, workshops on mindfulness and mental training, and reports from those affected. In addition, information on prevention and dealing with mental stress will be provided.

The event is open to all interested doctoral and postdoctoral researchers – feel free to forward this email.

You find the programme here (events for single days are in the side menu of the website) and below.

There is no registration needed – just join the event you are interested in.

Programme & Zoom links Mental Health Awareness Week

1 November (Tuesday)

  • 8.30–9.00am | Morning Flow: An energizing yoga flow with intense stretches will let you release all tension and recharge your batteries.
    Join here
  • 9.05–9.50am
    Keynote: The first day of the Mental Health Awareness Week will focus on changes in psychological symptoms during the COVID 19 pandemic. Prof. Rummel-Kluge will also address the important topic of depression and suicidality and explain when this can occur and what actually needs to be done. In addition, the SMWKT-funded project enhance will be presented, which among other things offers online-based, low-threshold support services for students starting in the fall of 2022. Afterwards, there will be the opportunity to exchange ideas, ask questions and discuss the important topic of mental health online.
    Join here
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