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News from MLU

24. Nov 2020

Calls for women’s funding 2021 at MLU

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Calls for women’s grants at MLU are online.

Current announcements:

  • Network funds for the promotion of young female researchers in 2021: female doctoral students, postdocs, post-doctoral students, post-doctoral lecturers and junior professors can apply for funding for participation in conferences and further education measures as well as for working group meetings/research stays in 2021
  • Funds for graduate assistants: Support of female post-docs in research and teaching
  • MINT tutor resources: Application for the establishment of additional MINT study programs by female students in SoSe 2021 and WS 2021/22: The costs of tutorials, workshops, working groups, etc. in MINT subjects can be subsidized if female students conduct or participate in them. Attention: There will only be one call for proposals per year. Please plan your study programs accordingly for the long term.
  • Adaptation measures maternity/family leave: for (doctoral) students, MLU supports individual adaptation measures according to §§9, 13 MuSchG during pregnancy, breastfeeding and after childbirth in case of individual or job-related restrictions. Applications can be submitted at any time.
  • UniBund Mentoring Program for Post-Docs: As an advanced post-doctoral researcher, post-doctoral lecturer, junior researcher or junior professor, you will be given the opportunity to be individually accompanied and supported in your academic career by experienced mentors. Application period until 28.02.2021.

Please find the calls for proposals and application forms on the website.

Applications can be submitted to the Diversity and Equal Opportunities Office by e-mail by 15.01.2021 at the latest.

9. Sep 2020

Open Science Webinars for MLU Postgraduate Students – (Sept-Nov 2020)

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The Open Science Team – ULB at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg is offering this workshop.


Come join us on a journey through the starting points of Open Science (OS). This webinar series is aimed at (but not restricted to) Postdocs and PhD students from different backgrounds and disciplines at the MLU. We want to talk to you about the possibilities and benefits of Open Science, which might help you at this earlier career stage. In seven web sessions, we will introduce you to a variety of OS topics, including an introduction to Open Science, data protection, legal and intellectual property rights, research data management, open educational resources (OER) etc.


We will use the MLU conference system MLUconf for delivering the webinars. You don’t need to register, just join us on the day and participate: 

The webinars will typically last 45 minutes with at least 15 minutes reserved for discussion and for answering questions from participants. The presentation will be available for consultation at a latter point via the Open Science website of the ULB:


23.09.20 at 1pm | Open Science – An introduction
[ Read On … ]

29. Jun 2020

Vor der Verteidigung: Tafelübungen mit Promovenden

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Rund 25 Dissertationen werden pro Semester an der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät II verteidigt. Im digitalen Sommersemester 2020 hat Studiendekan Prof. Dr. Jochen Balbach eine der ersten Promotionsverteidigungen per MLUconf geleitet. Im Interview spricht er über die richtige Vorbereitung, Hürden und Lösungen für digitale Disputationen über das Uni-eigene Konferenzsystem.

Read more at Campus Halensis

11. May 2020

Survey on knowledge and technology transfer at MLU

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The survey is conducted by MLU’s Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office, on behalf of the Vice Rector for Research. The results will be incorporated into a self-evaluation report on knowledge and technology transfer, which the university is compiling as part of a so-called “Transfer-Audit” by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft.

Link to survey

11. May 2020

“Zielsicher”: New issue of “scientia halensis” is out now

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Treating diseases precisely and in a more tolerable way: The development of new drugs and improved drug transport are the focus of the new issue of the scientific magazine “scientia halensis” of MLU. For the first time the magazine is published on recycled paper. The print version is available at the Tourist Information in the Marktschlösschen, the PDF here:

Link to pdf file

Scientia halensis – The science magazine of der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) is published twice a year in German.

Campus Halensis – The online magazine of der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU)

11. May 2020

Mouth and nose protector with MLU optics

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From today, May 11, the university shop in the Halleschen Marktschlösschen is selling masks in five different colours for 5.95 euros per piece. 2 cost 10 euros. The reusable sporty mouth-and-nose protection can be washed at high temperatures and is produced in Halle.

11. May 2020

Uni Halle direkt: In conversation with Rector Prof. Dr. Tietje and Chancellor Markus Leber

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What changes and perspectives have resulted for the university from the 5th regulation of the country to contain Covid-19 and the decree of the Ministry of Science? Rector Prof. Dr. Christian Tietje and Chancellor Markus Leber answered many questions on the current status in the livestream format “Uni Halle direkt”. (in German)

Link to YouTube video

4. May 2020

Summer semester remains digital

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Please find below an English summary of the announcement by the Rector of our university on May 4, 2020.

  • courses in the summer semester will be largely conducted digitally and only in exceptional cases attendance courses, examinations and aptitude tests will take place
[ Read On … ]

27. Apr 2020

Video and audio conferences at MLU

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Staff members of MLU can use the following video conference systems:

Please check the overview by the LLZ and detailed introduction to MLUconf. Both are in German.

Please switch off your VPN connection to improve quality of transmission.

24. Apr 2020

Transdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung: Die Corona-Krise aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln

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Aus gegebenen Anlass wird in diesem Sommersemester eine transdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung zur Corona-Krise angeboten.

Alle Vorträge werden vollständig online angeboten. Bitte registrieren Sie sich im Stud.IP unter Ringvorlesung zur Corona-Krise. Wir bedanken uns schon jetzt bei den Referierenden für ihre Bereitschaft und interessanten Themen. Die Veranstaltung wurde initiiert und organsiert durch Tobias Weirowski.

Weitere Informationen

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