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1. Sep 2021

[Trier University] 3rd Interdisciplinary PhD Conference (December 3, 2021)

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The 3rd Interdisciplinary PhD Conference “Pushing Boundaries“ is organised by the University Group “DocColloq“ at Trier University.

Contributions from all subject areas are welcome. Let‘s overcome the boundaries between our disciplines!

  • Friday, December 3, 2021,
  • 09.00am – 05.00pm,
  • digital conference

Call for Papers/Media Sessions 

Submission deadline: Thursday, September 30 2021

Please send

  1. an abstract of max. 400 words (German or English), as well as
  2. a brief CV


More information at:

26. Aug 2021

Tips for publishing your research results online (October 20, 2021)

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Webinar description

In the first part of the webinar the Open Science Team – ULB will present the publications services at the ULB. In the second part, other important issues to consider when publishing your results such as legal aspects, data ownership, rights management and licensing attribution of your research outputs will also be discussed. Attend this seminar if you want to inform yourself about these important issues but also if you wish to learn more about current affairs. We’ll be reporting on: the state of the DEAL negotiations, the different publication modalities offered by publishing companies, what is predatory publishing, and what you need to know when publishing in Internet and via social media. Don’t miss this chance to ask all your questions to our experts!
Please ask specific questions via Etherpad form before the webinar. These will be answered during the webinar.

Date, time and format

  • Date and time: October 20, 2021 from 1-2 pm
  • Please join the webinar via MLUconf
  • Ask specific question in advance via Etherpad form
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26. Aug 2021

Data Protection: Theory and Practice (October 6, 2021)

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Webinar description

The aim of this webinar is to address the most important data protection aspects in the context of research and academic projects. In collaboration with colleagues from the legal department of the MLU an overview of the legal framework of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other basic regulations will be offered. The Open Science Team – ULB will also provide advice on how to anonymize or pseudonymize quantitative and qualitative datasets, and some practical examples on how to write a consent forms for projects in which interview data are planned. Join us in this webinar and take the opportunity to ask any questions you may have on these matters.
Please ask specific questions via Etherpad form before the webinar. These will be answered during the webinar.

Date, time and format

  • Date and time: October 6, 2021 from 1-2 pm
  • Please join the webinar via MLUconf
  • Ask specific question in advance via Etherpad form
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26. Aug 2021

A Primer on Research Data Management (September 29, 2021)

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Webinar description

Whether you are an experienced postdoc or a PhD student going through the first stages of your research project this webinar will help you understand the crucial concepts of research data management (RDM) and identify common problems and hurdles in scientific practice.

  • What is FAIR data,
  • what are the current funders’ requirements regarding RDM in Germany and Europe, and
  • what are the benefits of a good research data management strategy

are some of the topics that will be covered. Whilst Open Science Team – ULB will provide an overview of the RDM activities and support offered at the MLU and other institutions, your views on RDM are very important to us too. So feel free to join the discussion on this day. 
Please ask specific questions via Etherpad form before the webinar. These will be answered during the webinar.

Date, time and format

  • Date and time: September 29, 2021 from 1-2 pm
  • Please join the webinar via MLUconf
  • Ask specific question in advance via Etherpad form
[ Read On … ]

26. Aug 2021

Open Science – an introduction (September 22, 2021)

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Webinar description

Join this first webinar to explore the main concepts and learn more about Open Science, Open Data and why this is important. Use this chance to let the Open Science Team – ULB know what are your requirements and the areas where you may need support. We will take time to discuss these topics but also to outline the different levels of support and activities in the research landscape in Halle.
Please ask specific questions via Etherpad form before the webinar. These will be answered during the webinar.

Date, time and format

  • Date and time: September 22, 2021 from 1-2 pm
  • Please join the webinar via MLUconf
  • Ask specific question in advance via Etherpad form
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25. Aug 2021

Scientists develop alternative cement with low carbon footprint

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Here you find the doctoral student’s profile of Leonardo Negrão. He published results of his doctoral studies at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and shared the research more widely with a press release.

About the author:

L. Negrão in the lab.
  • Leonardo Negrão ORCHID ID, ResearchGate
  • Research area(s): Mineralogy, Industrial Minerals, Mineral deposits, Geology
  • Institute of Geosciences and Geography (link), MLU

Field(s) of expertise during doctoral studies:

  • Applied mineralogy of cement
  • Characterization of geological materials
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24. Aug 2021

How I tackled post-PhD imposter syndrome

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Kelsey Inouye’s, a former PhD student from the University of Oxford, wrote about her job search an article in the Nature Careers Community. Job search gave her panic attacks and dented her self-esteem. But she learnt to take rejection in her stride.

The following evidence-based strategies helped her to manage her post-PhD imposter syndrome:

  • Take time to do activities you enjoy
  • Take each rejection in your stride
  • Take breaks from social media
  • Build a community early

The full article is available via

23. Aug 2021

Researchers spot a “golden” bear while studying endangered spectacled bears in Peru – Paddington, is that you?

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Here you find the doctoral student’s profile of Julia Osterman. She published results of her doctoral studies at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and shared the research more widely with a press release.

About the author:

J. Osterman in the mountains

Field(s) of expertise during doctoral studies:

  • Pollination of crops
  • Bee conservation, bee ecology
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19. Aug 2021

Solar cells: Layer of three crystals produces a thousand times more power

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Here you find the doctoral student’s profile of Yeseul Yun. She published results of her doctoral studies at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and shared the research more widely with a press release.

About the author:

Y. Yun in the lab
  • Yeseul Yun ORCHID ID
  • Research area(s): Photoferroelectrics
  • Centre for Innovation Competence (ZIK) “SiLi-nano“, Institute of Physics, MLU

Field(s) of expertise during doctoral studies:

  • Photovoltaic effect in ferroelectrics
  • Domain engineering in ferroelectrics
  • Oxide superlattice
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6. Aug 2021

“The Art of English Academic Writing” for Natural Scientists (September 8, 9 and 28, 2021)

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Aim and Content

The workshop aims at improving non-native English speakers’ academic writing skills by highlighting typical features and composing elements commonly applied and expected by native speakers of English. Participants will be equipped with a textbook written by the trainer that covers all the features introduced during the sessions, they will have ample opportunity to ask individual questions, and they will receive immediate feedback on their own writing. During the workshop we will

  • reflect on how the character of the English language influences the Anglo-Saxon academic writing style and identify subsequent features in academic texts
  • highlight pitfalls non-native speakers of English are vulnerable to when writing in English and introduce straightforward strategies to avoid them
  • present techniques for developing a fluent and lively academic writing style
  • introduce resources, aids, and methods to enlarge and retain vocabulary
  • edit text passages written by the participants
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