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All posts tagged ‘guidelines‘

1. Jul 2024

[EU] Guidelines on the responsible use of generative AI in research

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The European Research Area Forum has developed guidelines on AI usage. For researchers the fact sheet concludes on Generative AI (GenAI): Follow key principles of research integrity, use GenAI transparently and remain ultimately responsible for scientific output. Use GenAI preserving privacy, confidentiality, and intellectual property rights on both, inputs and outputs. Maintain a critical approach […]

15. Sep 2022

Press release guidelines for scientists by ESA

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““Press releases” are one of the main vehicles used by a communication office to inform the world about scientific advances. Naturally the results themselves should make a press release, but a few simple guidelines can help to make the release a success. Although the main target group for press releases is the press, press releases […]

14. Sep 2021

Lindau Guidelines 2020 released

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The Lindau Guidelines aim for an open, cooperative science community where data and knowledge are freely shared. The goals are ambitious, and their implementation can be achieved through different methods. The goals have been discussed, amended and refined, and were released after the Online Science Days in June 2020. 10 Goals in Brief

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