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Thomas Michael

All posts by Thomas Michael

12. Sep 2022

[Ref 3.2] Was bedeutet Tenure Track? (October 21, 2022 | online)

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Das Referat 3.2 – Personalentwicklung bietet diesen Kurs an. Tenure-Track-Stellen sind im deutschen akademischen System ein vergleichsweise neuer Karriereweg. Inhaber*innen einer Tenure-Track-Position erhalten nach dem erfolgreichen Abschluss ihrer Tenure-Phase direkt eine Dauerstelle, z. B. in Form einer Lebenszeitprofessur. Die Tenure-Track-Professur ist die konzeptionelle Weiterentwicklung der Juniorprofessur und daher sind die meisten Tenure-Track-Professuren in Deutschland mit […]

12. Sep 2022

[Ref 3.2] Patents, trademarks, and inventions – a glimpse into IP rights (November 17, 2022)

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Ref 3.2 – Human Resources Development offers the following course. Patents, utility models, designs, trademarks, and copyright? This one hour workshop introduces you to some important types of intellectual property rights and will elucidate when to apply which right. You will also learn basics in patent research and get an outline of rights and obligations […]

9. Sep 2022

Visit of Ethiopian and Ugandan project partners at MLU (September 2-7, 2022)

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Our project partners from Addis Ababa University (AAU), Ethiopia and Gulu University (GU), Uganda visited us for a workshop from September 2-7, 2022. From the InGrA perspective and the subproject “Building up a Graduate Program Hub” we visited the iDiv research center and it’s graduate school yDiv and exchanged ideas about supervision agreements. We also […]

2. Sep 2022

Blog of doctoral students representation launched

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The blog of the doctoral students representation of the faculties of MLU has been launched recently. Please check out information and latest news at (in German).

30. Aug 2022

Call for Entries – Media Training for Scientists (September 2022)

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The SILBERSALZ Institute’s year-long program is designed for scientists who would like to collaborate with artists to develop new cultural projects that broaden the public perception of science and bring scientific research into mainstream media. The resulting projects could be documentary films, games, immersive or interactive work or sci/arts and cultural projects at the intersection of science, research, […]

22. Aug 2022

DFG Calendar 2023: Call for photo competition

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For its 2023 calendar, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) is looking for photo motifs that refer to selected DFG-funded projects and is initiating a photo competition for this purpose: Scientists from funded projects can participate, and the most beautiful twelve motifs will be selected for the calendar. The theme of this year’s calendar […]

18. Aug 2022

Clear at glance! Designing Effective Academic Posters (November 8 and 14, 2022 | online)

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Starting Point Poster sessions are an integral part of almost every scientific conference. Their purpose is to highlight research results, visualize them, and stimulate discussion. To draw your audience in, you need a crystal-clear message, a text format optimized for best legibility and well-chosen graphics. And above all, you need to think well through how to […]

18. Aug 2022

Good Scientific Practice, Negotiation and Conflict Management (October 27-28, 2022)

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The workshop combines Good Scientific Practice (Part 1) with Negotiation & Conflict Management (Part 2). During your doctoral studies you will come into contact with other scientists and collaborate with them. Here negotiation skills can be helpful. This may even prevent potential conflicts with your supervisor. Part 1: Good Scientific Practice (October 27, 2022 | […]

9. Aug 2022

[EU network LSA] The ABC of EU research funding – Event A (August 23, 2022)

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The Event “A” – Calls for EU research funding in Horizon Europe – will kick things off. In addition to an insight into the work of the OVGU Research Funding Advisory Service and the EU University Network, funding opportunities in Horizon Europe will be presented. An overview of the program, the conditions of participation, funding […]

9. Aug 2022

[Trier University] 4th transdisciplinary PhD Conference (December 8-9, 2022 | online)

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The 4th transdisciplinary PhD Conference “Third Mission (im)possible?! Options for action for young scientists“ is organised by the University Group “DocColloq“ at Trier University. Science, society, and politics are deeply intertwined – this close connection has become evident not least during the corona pandemic. Nevertheless, a large number of people are sometimes skeptical or undecided […]

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