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Thomas Michael

All posts by Thomas Michael

10. Jan 2022

[BEAM] Women in Science – Talk and Power – Who Gets Heard and Why (31.01.2022 (online) + 07.03.2022)

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There are free slots at this workshop organised by research training group “BEAM (RTG 2670): Self-Organization of Soft Matter via Multiple Noncovalent Interactions”. This workshop will give you the opportunity to examine the distinctions between communication styles at work – support-oriented (horizontal) versus status-oriented (vertical); these communication styles can determine success or failure within a […]

22. Dec 2021

Transferable Skills: The Key to Landing Your Dream Job

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“For many people, making a career switch might feel like you’re starting over from scratch. But that’s not true: You have transferable skills. ‘Most job seekers think the skills they use for their current job only translate for that particular job title or industry, but the basics for operating in most functions is pretty universal,’ […]

20. Dec 2021

[nature] Managing up: how to communicate effectively with your PhD adviser

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Your supervisor has a vested interest in your success. Set the right tone and communication style when you meet with them. Read more at nature, CAREER COLUMN (10 December 2021)doi:

17. Dec 2021

e-learning: Basics of scientific work

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An online self-study course for scientific work in German of the LLZ has the following modules: Scientific thinking & working:The scientific method, quality criteria and the research process (incl. scientific text types) Basics of copyright lawCopyright and scientific citation Planning & preparation of scientific workPreparation of a scientific work and about the good use of […]

17. Dec 2021

New plate: University explains work on Amo memorial

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The university is working on a new concept to commemorate Anton Wilhelm Amo, the first Afro-German academic at a German university, who worked in Halle and Wittenberg. At the Universitätsring, the rector and the chairman of the appointed rectorate commission inaugurated a plate pointing out the discrepancy between the artwork “Free Africa” and a memorial […]

14. Dec 2021

Early stage scientists and the pandemic at MLU

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In spring 2021, the Diversity and Equal Opportunity Office and the Equal Opportunity Advisory Council launched a survey on the pandemic-related challenges for scientists in the early stage within the university. In the meantime, the responses have been reviewed and a report with many answers and information has been written. Read more (in German)

13. Dec 2021

[UNIBUND] 10th tender mentoring programme for female postdoctoral researchers (June 2022–June 2023 / 2024)

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How to establish a scientific profile?How to become a successful team leader?What makes grant applications worthy of support?How to establish a sustainable network?A career in academia comes along with lots of questions and challenges! From June 2022 the mentoring programme for female postdoctoral researchers, provided by the universities of Halle, Jena and Leipzig, offers eight places […]

1. Dec 2021

Duration and completion of doctoral studies under DFG Coordinated Programmes

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The DFG Infobrief (3.21) summarises quantitative analyses on the duration and completion of doctorates pursued under DFG-funded Coordinated Programmes based on two studies published by the DFG in 2021. All in all, in DFG-funded consortia in the programmes Collaborative Research Centre, Research Training Group, Cluster of Excellence and Graduate School four out of five doctoral […]

30. Nov 2021

Information on dealing with the corona virus

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Summary of organization of teaching in the winter semester 2021/22 at MLU:

26. Nov 2021

12th edition of the Merck Innovation Cup (July 23-29, 2022)

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The Innovation Cup is an initiative for post-graduate students and young professionals in natural sciences, computer sciences, and business administration to attend a training program near Frankfurt, Germany. The Innovation Cup is designed to support the professional development of post-graduate students interested in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry. Participants learn how R&D in the industry […]

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