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Thomas Michael

All posts by Thomas Michael

14. Oct 2020

[PhD network] Team Communication (October 28, 2020 | online)

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Teamwork can be a lot of fun and increase the productivity and creativity of the whole team. However, open and honest communication within the team is essential for this. Therefore, this workshop will introduce you to the soft skills required for successful communication and collaboration in a team. You will learn to be sensitive to […]

12. Oct 2020

International PhD Days 2020 (October 27/28, 2020) – online

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Welcome to the International PhD Days 2020 for doctoral candidates and postdocs. In a variety of online events – including workshops, short lectures and Q&As – you will have the opportunity to get to know different departments of the university which offer useful services for you and to learn more about other topics relevant for […]

12. Oct 2020

Publish or perish? – An overview of controversies associated with current scientific publishing practices (October 14, 2020)

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In this webinar a critical overview of the current scientific publication system will be offered by a practicing scientist. Questionable research practices and other controversies will be discussed as factors which might have led to the so-called reproducibility crisis affecting the current system of scientific publication. Data sharing, the promotion of pre-registration studies and the […]

2. Oct 2020

Data Protection: Theory and Practice – Open Science Webinar (October 7, 2020)

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In this webinar we will address the most important data protection aspects in the context of research and academic projects. In collaboration with colleagues from the legal department of the MLU an overview of the GDPR and other basic legal regulations will be offered. Practical advice on how to anonymize quantitative and qualitative datasets will […]

29. Sep 2020

A Primer on Research Data Management – Open Science Webinar (September 30, 2020)

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Whether you are an experienced postdoc or a PhD student going through the initial stages of your project, this webinar will help you understand crucial concepts of research data management (RDM) and identify common problems and hurdles in scientific practice. FAIR Data, what are the funders’ RDM requirements, data formats and metadata standards are some […]

29. Sep 2020

Mental Health Day 2020 Webinar Series

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In the run up to International Mental Health Day on October 10th, the Jena School for Microbial Communication together with other graduate schools is offering a series of short daily webinar covering several aspects of mental health in the week of the 5th to the 10th of October.  No need to register just click the links provided to attend […]

14. Sep 2020

Upcoming courses in doctoral program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business”

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Please register for the following three upcoming courses: Behavioral Business Ethics (winter term 2020/21) by Prof. Dr. Philipp Schreck, Markets without Limits (December 02, 2020 and January 14, 2021), Philosophical Ethics of Leadership (January 22/29, 2021)

14. Sep 2020

[IAMO Graduate School] Free slots: Basic Principles of Research Design and Strategy (October 21-22, 2020)

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Quick-and-dirty number-crunching ‘quantoids’ face them. Carefully describing and interpreting ‘smooshes’ face them. No matter where they stand on ontological and epistemological grounds and how we stereotype the respective ‘other side’, all researchers face similar challenges posed to core issues of research design. A research design is a plan that specifies how you plan to carry […]

11. Sep 2020

Playfulness can be trained – here’s why you should do it

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Here you find the doctoral student’s profile of Kay Brauer. He published results of his doctoral studies at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and shared the research more widely with a press release. About the author: Kay Brauer ORCHID ID, ResearchGate, Twitter Research area(s): Psychological Assessment and Personality Psychology Institute of Psychology, MLU Field(s) of expertise […]

9. Sep 2020

Open Science Webinars for MLU Postgraduate Students – (Sept-Nov 2020)

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The Open Science Team – ULB at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg is offering this workshop. Scope Come join us on a journey through the starting points of Open Science (OS). This webinar series is aimed at (but not restricted to) Postdocs and PhD students from different backgrounds and disciplines at the MLU. We want to […]

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