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Doctorate in Germany

12. Apr 2023

Writing a publication

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Recommendation for writing a paper

30. Mar 2023

[TU Braunschweig] Shit Happens in der Wissenschaft – Umgang von Forschenden mit Dilemma-Situationen

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Haben Sie auch schon Ungerechtigkeiten im Wissenschaftsbetrieb erlebt? Ein Team der Technische Universität Braunschweig – Institut für Psychologie erforscht, wie Wissenschaftler*innen auf unterschiedliche Problemsituationen reagieren und bittet alle Forschenden – von Studierenden und Promovierenden bis hin zu den Professor*innen – um Teilnahme an dem Experiment. Die Ergebnisse teilt das Team gern nach Abschluss der Untersuchung mit!

Prof. Dr. Beate Muschalla und B.Sc. Shirley Ohme 
Technische Universität Braunschweig – Institut für Psychologie
Abteilung Klinische Psychologie, Psychotherapie und Diagnostik
Humboldtstraße 33, 38106 Braunschweig

6. Dec 2022

Zeit Campus Ratgeber Promotion

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Die dritte komplett überarbeitete Ausgabe des ZEIT CAMPUS Ratgeber Promotion ist erschienen.

Der ZEIT CAMPUS Ratgeber Promotion ist der Begleiter für (angehende) Promovierende auf allen Stationen der Promotion: von der Entscheidung über die Planung und Durchführung der Arbeit bis zu den letzten Nachtschichten vor der Abgabe. (von Zeit Campus)

1. Nov 2022

Call for entries German Study Award (Deutscher Studienpreis) 2023

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The competition is aimed at young scientists from all disciplines who have submitted an excellent dissertation of particular social significance in 2022. With three top prizes of 25,000 euros each, it is one of the most highly endowed German prizes for young researchers. The closing date for the current call for entries is March 1, 2023.

The Körber Foundation wants to encourage young scientists to confidently represent the social value of their research and contribute to the public debate. With the “Deutscher Studienpreis“, the foundation therefore honors doctoral students who have presented tangible results that are of outstanding interest to society. The patron of the award is Bärbel Bas, President of the German Bundestag.

All information on how to participate can be found here (in German).

26. Oct 2022

Take 5 minutes to rock your mental health

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Dr. Hendrik Huthoff, coordinator of the UniWiND group on mental health, has written a song about mental health together with Maik Goth and published it on YouTube. Be sure to listen and share!
Watch the music video.

17. Oct 2022

[Heidelberg Center for American Studies] Annual Spring Academy Conference (March 20-24, 2023)

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Call for Papers

The Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) invites applications for its annual Spring Academy on American Culture, Economics, Geography, History, Literature, Politics, and Religion to be held from March 20-24, 2023.

The HCA Spring Academy provides 20 international Ph.D. students with the opportunity to present and thoroughly discuss their Ph.D. projects. Additionally, it offers workshops held by visiting scholars.

The HCA encourages applications that range broadly across the arts, humanities, and social sciences and pursue an interdisciplinary approach. Participants can present thesis projects on any subject relating to the study of the United States of America. Possible topics include American identity, issues of ethnicity, gender, transatlantic relations, U.S. domestic and foreign policy, economics, and various aspects of American history, literature, religion, geography, law, musicology, and culture. The accepted projects will be arranged into ten panel groups.

[ Read On … ]

10. Oct 2022

[IAMO] Picture a scientist (October 11, 2022)

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When you picture a scientist – what do you see? 

The documentary PICTURE A SCIENTIST takes on the question why it still often is the male white scientist that comes to our minds when we hear the word „scientist“.  In this film, leading female scientists in STEM take the audience on a journey through the experiences of their academic careers – as women of science. 

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9. Aug 2022

[Trier University] 4th transdisciplinary PhD Conference (December 8-9, 2022 | online)

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The 4th transdisciplinary PhD Conference “Third Mission (im)possible?! Options for action for young scientists“ is organised by the University Group “DocColloq“ at Trier University.

Science, society, and politics are deeply intertwined – this close connection has become evident not least during the corona pandemic. Nevertheless, a large number of people are sometimes skeptical or undecided about science, its working methods, financing or social relevance (e.g., Wissenschaftsbarometer 2021). Obviously, research institutions can and must ensure more transparency and openness in this regard, i.e., involve society, present research credibly, and communicate it in an understandable way. These tasks fall within the Third Mission area of activity, the third major task alongside research and teaching.

More information at:

Terms and application

  • December 8-9, 2022 
  • digital conference
[ Read On … ]

7. Jun 2022

Career paths of academics

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The newly released website Wissen Schafft Karriere (in German) provides a general overview of career paths in science as well as specific opportunities for a career at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU).

So what does a career in science at MLU look like? A doctorate is often the beginning of an academic career towards a professorship. And yet, the doctorate opens up many other career opportunities, both at MLU and at many other institutions.

The compatibility of family and career or one’s own health have a significant impact on professional development and career. The website also illustrates this and show support options in working life through MLU.

Last but not least, you will find statutes, regulations and templates for various decisions and guidelines relating to career options and organisation at MLU.

10. May 2022

Literature on the topic of doctoral studies

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Guides for doctoral students

  • Guide for doctoral candidates at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (2019) (link)
  • Zeit Campus Ratgeber Promotion (link)
  • S. Stock, P. Schneider, E. Peper, E. Molitor, Erfolgreich promovieren – Ein Ratgeber von Promovierten für Promovierende, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014) (ISBN 978-3-642-41662-0) (link)
  • Career column, Nature (link)

Guides for supervisors

  • UniWiND Publications Issue 4 “Doctoral Supervision. Recommendations and good practice for universities and doctoral supervisors” (2017) (English/German)
  • Alexandra Bulat “The Good Supervision Guide for new and experienced research supervisors of PhDs”, University College London (2018) (link)
  • Guidelines on the training of doctoral students at the Max Planck Society (2021) (link)

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