Der online durchgeführte Workshop richtet sich disziplinübergreifend an Antragsberechtigte für Forschungsprojekte und befasst sich schwerpunktmäßig mit dem neuen EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation HORIZONT EUROPA (2021-2027) aber auch mit dazu assoziierten Programmen wie z.B. ERAnets. Ziel des Workshops ist die Vermittlung von Grundlagen zur Förderung von Forschungs- und Innovationsprojekten durch die Europäische Union. Dem Teilnehmerkreis werden die Europäische Forschungsförderlandschaft und ihre Förderinstrumente vorgestellt. Die Teilnehmenden lernen Voraussetzungen zur Beteiligung und die Einstiegsmöglichkeiten kennen. Sie bekommen einen Überblick über die relevanten Akteure und Institutionen. Es werden die Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten für EU-Antragsstellungen und -projekte an der MLU vorgestellt.
Tenure-Track-Stellen sind im deutschen akademischen System ein vergleichsweise neuer Karriereweg. Inhaber*innen einer Tenure-Track-Position erhalten nach dem erfolgreichen Abschluss ihrer Tenure-Phase direkt eine Dauerstelle, z. B. in Form einer Lebenszeitprofessur. Die Tenure-Track-Professur ist die konzeptionelle Weiterentwicklung der Juniorprofessur und daher sind die meisten Tenure-Track-Professuren in Deutschland mit einer Juniorprofessur verbunden; weniger üblich und bekannt sind Stellen im akademischen Mittelbau, z. B. als Senior Researcher oder Lecturer mit Tenure-Track. Der Workshop konzentriert sich auf Tenure-Track-Professuren in Deutschland.
The Event “A” – Calls for EU research funding in Horizon Europe – will kick things off. In addition to an insight into the work of the OVGU Research Funding Advisory Service and the EU University Network, funding opportunities in Horizon Europe will be presented. An overview of the program, the conditions of participation, funding forms and funding rules will be given.
The focus of the mediation is on planning and structure of a funding application as well as partner search, review and writing the abstract.
You will get a quick overview about the Walter Benjamin, the Emmy Noether and the Heisenberg Programme, as well as the Individual Research Grant with a temporary position for principal investigators. The lecturer will also provide advice on how to prepare your proposal and what happens once you submit it to the DFG. PhD candidates and postdocs of all disciplines from all countries as well as research support staff are welcome to join.
The EU-Academic Network Saxony-Anhalt would like to invite you to the online-event Marie Skłodowska-Curie-Actions (MSCA) on the 23rd of June (2pm-5pm).
Speakers from the National Contact Point (NCP) MSC will present „Postdoctoral Fellowships“ in English and „Doctoral Networks“ in German language, added by examples of best practices of successful applicants:
14:00-15:15: MSCA – Postdoctoral Fellowships: Funding opportunities of research projects of experienced researchers within and beyond Europe (in English)
15:45-17:00: MSCA – Doctoral Networks: Funding opportunities of scientific networks and early-stage researchers (in German)
Please find the programmehere and put your question in the chat.
For registration just send an e-mail to: . By registering, you consent to the processing of your personal data: Erhebung personenbezogener Daten (Information nach Art. 13 DSGVO).
Female professors and equal opportunities officers of the universities of applied sciences in Schleswig-Holstein cordially invite female professional practitioners, postdocs, doctoral candidates and other interested parties to an open exchange about the job description, hiring requirements and paths to a professorship.
This is an event organised by the Graduate Academy of Leibniz University Hannover (LUH). The event will be held in German.
Together with the guests Dr. Jannika Lauth (Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry) and Dr. Jens Langejürgen (Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation), the participants will talk about strategies for a successful return after a stay abroad as a postdoc. The guests will report on their everyday research life abroad and how they found their way back into the German research sector. Let’s inspire you! You will find registration options and further information on the website:
Verschiedene Fördermittelgeber bieten Programme an, die entweder direkt auf die Karriereentwicklung Richtung Habilitation abzielen oder dieses unterstützen können. Sie ermöglichen z.B. die eigenständige Forschung an eigenständige Forschung an eigenen Ideen, Finanzierung für die eigene Stelle (und ein eigenes Team) und sie bieten einen geeigneten Zeitrahmen.
The International Graduate Academy (InGrA) offers doctoral students of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg appointments for discussions and advice (20 min each) on topics related to doctoral studies.
Via the following link you can book an appointment with Dr. Thomas Michael, the manager of InGrA. When booking, you have the possibility to outline your question in advance via a comment. Your name, your email address as well as the comment are only visible for employees of InGrA. After the appointment your data will be deleted.
There are two free slots in this workshop organised by the IAMO Graduate School.
This practical seminar helps you to get the right wording for explaining your research findings to a non-scientific audience. It prepares you for various interview situations (e.g. background interview to a print journalist, live interview, discussion rounds on the radio/TV). Practical exercises (camera based) train the appropriate communication for different medium outlets and target groups.
Participants learn:
Choosing the right words: Presenting complex facts in a simple and pointed way
How to get prepared for media appearances /media interaction
How to act and argue in interviews or other media interactions