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7. Sep 2023

Series of guides (Guides4docs@MLU) for early career researchers at MLU released

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InGrA has released a series of guides Guides4docs@MLU recently. With the following topics you can get a good overview of options and requirements during your future or current doctorate at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.

14. Aug 2023

Information zur VBL

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Die VBL (Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder) ist Deutschlands größte Zusatzversorgungskasse zur betrieblichen Altersversorgung für Beschäftigte des öffentlichen Dienstes. Somit auch ein mögliches Thema für wissenschaftlich Beschäftigte (Promovierende und PostDocs) der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Doch es gibt einige Besonderheiten, die es zu beachten gilt.

[ Read On … ]

12. Apr 2023

Writing a publication

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Recommendation for writing a paper

8. Dec 2022

[Nature] Focus on Peer Review

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In a free-to-access Focus on Peer Review course, a panel of experienced researchers and Nature Research journal editors teach the foundations of good peer review.

The online courses are taught by Nature Portfolio journal editors, and academic and professional experts. Nature Masterclasses has been developed by Nature Research to provide professional development training for researchers. Nature Research is part of Springer Nature.

6. Dec 2022

Zeit Campus Ratgeber Promotion

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Die dritte komplett überarbeitete Ausgabe des ZEIT CAMPUS Ratgeber Promotion ist erschienen.

Der ZEIT CAMPUS Ratgeber Promotion ist der Begleiter für (angehende) Promovierende auf allen Stationen der Promotion: von der Entscheidung über die Planung und Durchführung der Arbeit bis zu den letzten Nachtschichten vor der Abgabe. (von Zeit Campus)

15. Sep 2022

Press release guidelines for scientists by ESA

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““Press releases” are one of the main vehicles used by a communication office to inform the world about scientific advances. Naturally the results themselves should make a press release, but a few simple guidelines can help to make the release a success. Although the main target group for press releases is the press, press releases do reach further. Press releases communicate important information to decision-makers, other mediators, scientists and even to the public. It is critically important always to tailor the style, level and content of a press release to suit the needs of the press and not the secondary target groups mentioned.” (from ESA)

Read more at scientists guideline of the European Space Agency (ESA)

29. Jun 2022

Individual Development Plan (IDP) and myIDP

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You have put a lot of time and effort into pursuing your PhD degree.  Now it’s time to focus on how to leverage your expertise into a satisfying and productive career.  The Individual Development Plan (IDP) concept is commonly used in industry to help employees define and pursue their career goals.  In 2003, the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) proposed an IDP framework for postdoctoral fellows in the sciences.  AAAS/Science joined forces with FASEB and experts from several universities (see authors below) to expand on that framework.  The result is myIDP – a unique, web-based career-planning tool tailored to meet the needs of PhD students and postdocs in the sciences.


Please check myIDP and the article “J. A. Robin et al., You Need a Game Plan (2012)” by ScienceCarrers for further information.

7. Jun 2022

Career paths of academics

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The newly released website Wissen Schafft Karriere (in German) provides a general overview of career paths in science as well as specific opportunities for a career at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU).

So what does a career in science at MLU look like? A doctorate is often the beginning of an academic career towards a professorship. And yet, the doctorate opens up many other career opportunities, both at MLU and at many other institutions.

The compatibility of family and career or one’s own health have a significant impact on professional development and career. The website also illustrates this and show support options in working life through MLU.

Last but not least, you will find statutes, regulations and templates for various decisions and guidelines relating to career options and organisation at MLU.

10. May 2022

Literature on the topic of doctoral studies

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Guides for doctoral students

  • Guide for doctoral candidates at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (2019) (link)
  • Zeit Campus Ratgeber Promotion (link)
  • S. Stock, P. Schneider, E. Peper, E. Molitor, Erfolgreich promovieren – Ein Ratgeber von Promovierten für Promovierende, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014) (ISBN 978-3-642-41662-0) (link)
  • Career column, Nature (link)

Guides for supervisors

  • UniWiND Publications Issue 4 “Doctoral Supervision. Recommendations and good practice for universities and doctoral supervisors” (2017) (English/German)
  • Alexandra Bulat “The Good Supervision Guide for new and experienced research supervisors of PhDs”, University College London (2018) (link)
  • Guidelines on the training of doctoral students at the Max Planck Society (2021) (link)

14. Feb 2022

InGrA Meeting Hours available

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The International Graduate Academy (InGrA) offers doctoral students of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg appointments for discussions and advice (20 min each) on topics related to doctoral studies.

Via the following link you can book an appointment with Dr. Thomas Michael, the manager of InGrA. When booking, you have the possibility to outline your question in advance via a comment. Your name, your email address as well as the comment are only visible for employees of InGrA. After the appointment your data will be deleted.

To the appointment booking   

Due to the situation, all consulting appointments currently take place exclusively online via MLUconf Tuesdays from 10am-12pm.

To MLUconf room

You will receive the corresponding access code via email before the meeting.

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