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22. Dec 2020

Presentation and Rhetorics (January 27 & February 2, 2021 | online)

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  • Effective introduction for scientific lectures
  • Parameters of nonverbal communication: Effective gestures,
    dominant body language and self-confident appearance
  • The power of the voice: Intonation and speech form
  • Flexible use of rhetorical means and optimization of expression
  • confident handling of disturbances, critical questions and mishaps:
    Strategies and response formulas
  • How to generate attention and create a positive atmosphere
  • Communicate core messages clearly and structure content
  • The Lincoln technique, segmenting the audience and CFA to exit
  • “The salt in the soup”: Mode change for lively presentations
  • Best practice examples from the USA and Great Britain; literature and Video recommendations
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18. Dec 2020

Quality Assurance in Medical Doctorates (new UniWiND publication)

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The recent UniWiND publication Volume 11 presents the results of the UniWiND working group “Quality Assurance in Medical Doctorates”, which worked from 2018-2020. The working group has devoted itself to the special features of doctoral studies in medicine, which, in contrast to doctorates in other subjects, are usually carried out during studies and for this reason are often the subject of criticism. Quality assurance plays an even more important role.

In order to investigate the framework conditions and existing measures for quality assurance, the workgroup conducted a survey, which was answered by the majority of medical faculties in Germany. The result of the evaluation of this survey as well as science policy publications is this volume, in which the AG formulates recommendations for each phase in the doctoral process and presents Promising Practices.

Link to UniWiND-Publikation Band 11 “Qualitätssicherung in der medizinischen Promotion” (in German only)

1. Dec 2020

VG Wort – aus Text wird Geld (09. Dezember 2020| online)

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Das Internet bildet für wissenschaftliche Texte eine große Reichweite. Wie verhält es sich mit dem Urheberrecht im Internet? Gibt es eine Vergütung für urheberrechtlich geschützte Texte im Internet?
Das Webinar bietet eine kurze Einführung in die Thematik an. Die Dozentin, Frau Wagner, stellt den zugehörigen Aufgabenbereich METIS (Meldesystem für Texte auf Internetseiten) der VG Wort vor. Weiterführend werden die Schritte, um an den Ausschüttungen der Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort (VG Wort) zu partizipieren, erläutert.

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24. Nov 2020

Calls for women’s funding 2021 at MLU

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Calls for women’s grants at MLU are online.

Current announcements:

  • Network funds for the promotion of young female researchers in 2021: female doctoral students, postdocs, post-doctoral students, post-doctoral lecturers and junior professors can apply for funding for participation in conferences and further education measures as well as for working group meetings/research stays in 2021
  • Funds for graduate assistants: Support of female post-docs in research and teaching
  • MINT tutor resources: Application for the establishment of additional MINT study programs by female students in SoSe 2021 and WS 2021/22: The costs of tutorials, workshops, working groups, etc. in MINT subjects can be subsidized if female students conduct or participate in them. Attention: There will only be one call for proposals per year. Please plan your study programs accordingly for the long term.
  • Adaptation measures maternity/family leave: for (doctoral) students, MLU supports individual adaptation measures according to §§9, 13 MuSchG during pregnancy, breastfeeding and after childbirth in case of individual or job-related restrictions. Applications can be submitted at any time.
  • UniBund Mentoring Program for Post-Docs: As an advanced post-doctoral researcher, post-doctoral lecturer, junior researcher or junior professor, you will be given the opportunity to be individually accompanied and supported in your academic career by experienced mentors. Application period until 28.02.2021.

Please find the calls for proposals and application forms on the website.

Applications can be submitted to the Diversity and Equal Opportunities Office by e-mail by 15.01.2021 at the latest.

23. Nov 2020

Theory and Design of Scientific Posters (December 08, 2020| online)

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The workshop covers different aspects of scientific posters as increasingly popular form of presentation in various scientific disciplines. As an introduction, the poster as communication medium is described, with special attention to the differences among the disciplines. Several case studies and settings will be presented and discussed. The participants of the workshop are therefore explicitly invited to contribute their own work and material to this discussion. The second part focuses on how to create effective and attractive posters. Starting from the essential technical knowledge of poster ingredients such as pixel vs. vector graphics, typography, colours, etc., different software applications for creating posters are presented and optionally used for initial designs. In addition to basics in design and layout principles for text and image content, several approaches for reducing bulky content and visual complexity will be presented. Finally, the production step as well as the oral presentation itself will be addressed.

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20. Nov 2020

KI-Camp 2021 + KI-Newcomer / AI newcomers (April 27, 2021)

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BMBF and German Informatics Society (GI) are currently organizing the KI-Camp 2021 on April 27, 2021, which might be interesting for the AI researchers of all disciplines.

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13. Nov 2020

Funding for research training group “ProMoAge” extended

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The Research Training Group 2155 “ProMoAge – Protein Modification: A Key Mechanism for Ageing” can continue its work for another four years. The DFG is funding the second phase with approximately 5.5 million euros. The GRK is managed by the Medical Faculty of the MLU together with the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.

Read more (in German)

11. Nov 2020

Research Training Group | Beyond Amphiphilicity: Self-Organization of Soft Matter Via Multiple Noncovalent Interactions (GRK 2670)

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Spokesman: Prof. Dr. Dariush Hinderberger, coordinator: Dr. Imme Sakwa-Waltz 
funding period 2021-2025 by DFG; website

About the doctoral program

Amphiphilicity is a well-established qualitative concept contributing to the understanding of self-assembly processes of molecules composed of two inherently incompatible units (hydrophilic and hydrophobic) in aqueous systems. Polyphilic molecules are more complex molecules, from small molecules to macromolecules, that have interaction patterns with at least two types of interactions, one of them based on amphiphilicity. Self-assembled soft matter systems attain their complexity through noncovalent interaction patterns of their molecular constituents with their environment, solvents, biomolecules, membranes, and surfaces.

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10. Nov 2020

DFG approves new Research Training Group “Beyond Amphiphilicity” at MLU

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The Senate of the German Research Foundation (DFG) decided on Friday to establish the new Research Training Group “Beyond Amphiphilicity: Self-Organization of Soft Matter Via Multiple Noncovalent Interactions (GRK 2670)” at MLU. In the first funding phase until 2025, about 4.5 million euros will be available for the doctoral program.

(from MLU press release No 157/2020 from November 9, 2020)

About GRK 2670

Research Training Group “Beyond Amphiphilicity: Self-Organization of Soft Matter Via Multiple Noncovalent Interactions (GRK 2670)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Dariush Hinderberger (funding 2021-2025) (link)

Amphiphilicity is a well-established qualitative concept contributing to the understanding of self-assembly processes of molecules composed of two inherently incompatible units (hydrophilic and hydrophobic) in aqueous systems. Polyphilic molecules are more complex molecules, from small molecules to macromolecules, that have interaction patterns with at least two types of interactions, one of them based on amphiphilicity. Self-assembled soft matter systems attain their complexity through noncovalent interaction patterns of their molecular constituents with their environment, solvents, biomolecules, membranes, and surfaces.

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9. Nov 2020

Open Educational Resources (November 11, 2020)

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During this final webinar, the Open Educational Resources (OERs) of the MLU will be presented. What are these materials, how can these be used properly, where can you find these, and what legal matters do you need to bear in mind if you create OERs are some of the topics that will be discussed. Get to ask all your OER questions to our expert!

Date, time and format

  • Date and time: November 11, 2020 at 1 pm
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