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Complementary Skills Workshop 2022

18. Mar 2022

[FEMPOWER] Interactive lunch lectures series “Wissen(schaftler*innen) verbinden” (March-November 2022)

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15. Mar 2022

Project Management (May 18-19, 2022)

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The main objective of this workshop is to strengthen one’s own attitude towards project management in order to be prepared for the challenges in everyday academic life and outside the university.


The focus of this workshop is on planning tools for successful project management. All participants apply their experience and knowledge in practical exercises.

The following elements of project management are discussed in more detail:

  • Clarification of the contract
  • Objective definition (expected results, process goals)
  • Stakeholder analysis
  • Phase model -> work breakdown structure (WBS) -> schedule
  • Milestone plan
  • Basics of risk management
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15. Mar 2022

The complete job application package in English (April 26, 2022)

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How to find a job in the public / private sector in English – The Complete Package


  • What are your hard strengths and soft strengths and when are they relevant in the job application process?
  • How can you write a good covering letter? Techniques, theory and practice
  • Here you will have the opportunity to get some feedback on a one-to-one basis with respect to your CV in English. You send your CV to the trainer who will give you personalised feedback 
  • Difficult questions in job interviews in English – what are they and how can you answer them?
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7. Mar 2022

What the heck is Tenure-Track? (May 20, 2022 | online)

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In the German academic system, Tenure-Track is a relatively new concept. With a tenure-track position, one gets the opportunity to an immediately transition to a permanent position when successfully completing the probationary period (known as the tenure-track phase). The majority of tenure-track positions comes along with a professorship; less common and known are lecturer or researcher positions with tenure-track. 


The half-day workshop will focus on tenure-track professorships in Germany and address the following questions:

  • What are the specifics and legal conditions of tenure-track positions?
  • How do selection committees work and how is the mid-term and tenure evaluation organized?
  • What are duties and tasks of a tenure-track professor?
  • Where do I get help and orientation beyond my home institution?
  • Q&A
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7. Mar 2022

English Academic Writing: The Ground Rules of Writing Well (April 21, 22 and 25, 2022)

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This workshop addresses junior scholars from the social sciences, economics, and the humanities who have good command of the English language, seek to improve their English writing skills, and strive to make their academic papers more idiomatic. The workshop seeks to create an awareness of the typical patterns of non-idiomatic writing to which non-native authors writing in English – and especially German-speaking academics – are prone and equip the participants with strategies to avoid these pitfalls.

The workshop will be held on three days (two days in person; a half day online, during which you will receive individual feedback). It will be conducted in English by two trainers who have a professional background in the social sciences and many years of experience in teaching English academic writing and in translating and editing academic texts by German-speaking scholars. 

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3. Mar 2022

[Ref 3.2] Drittmittelförderung mit der Möglichkeit zur Habilitation (7. April 2022 | online)

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Das Referat 3.2 – Personalentwicklung bietet diesen Kurs für die Zielgruppe der Postdocs an.

Verschiedene Fördermittelgeber bieten Programme an, die entweder direkt auf die Karriereentwicklung Richtung Habilitation abzielen oder dieses unterstützen können. Sie ermöglichen z.B. die eigenständige Forschung an eigenständige Forschung an eigenen Ideen, Finanzierung für die eigene Stelle (und ein eigenes Team) und sie bieten einen geeigneten Zeitrahmen.

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9. Feb 2022

[IAMO/IPB GS] Successfully shaping the doctoral phase (February-April 2022 | online)

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There are free slots in this workshop series organised by the IAMO Graduate School and Leibniz Research School PlantBioChem at IPB.

A productive and professional supervision relationship makes a decisive contribution to the success of the doctorate. The workshop series aims to empower supervisors and doctoral researchers in establishing a fruitful supervision relationship. Considering the specific needs and tasks of supervisors and doctoral researchers, the workshop series has a two-track approach:

The Track for Doctoral Researchers aims to support doctoral researchers to manage their doctoral project and the challenges of the academic world successfully as well as to contribute their share to a successful supervision relationship. This track explores topics like productivity and provides tools to structure the day in a way that it aids concentration and focus; it provides strategies for managing well-being in research; it helps to identify procrastination loops and drivers of motivation; it discusses how to interpret feedback, to manage expectations, or to navigate different types of supervisors.

Workshop: Rethinking productivity (February 24, 2022)

Thursday, 24.02.2022 | 10.30 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. | Online

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9. Feb 2022

Research to Business: Patent and Funding Basics (March 17, 2022 | online)

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In this workshop we inform graduates and postdocs about entrepreneurship in science, patents as well as funding. The aim of the workshop is to gain a first insight into the successful transfer of ideas and innovations from research to business.


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1. Feb 2022

[Ref 3.2] TK-Mentalstrategien: Gelassen durch die Promotion (März 2022 | online)

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Das Referat 3.2 – Personalentwicklung bietet diesen Kurs für die Zielgruppe der Promovierenden an.

Sie haben sich nach Ihrem Studium für eine wissenschaftliche Karriere entschieden? Eine Promotion kann ganz schön herausfordernd sein. Gar nicht so leicht, dabei einen kühlen Kopf zu bewahren.
Wenn neben der Promotion noch weitere Faktoren hinzukommen, die den Stress erhöhen, kann sich das auf Ihre Leistungsfähigkeit auswirken und auch den Erfolg Ihrer Promotion beeinflussen. Zu den Faktoren, die den Druck in der Promotionsphase erhöhen, zählen bspw. Leistungsdruck in der Forschung und beim Publizieren, Zeit- und Termindruck, berufliche Unsicherheit oder familiäre Verpflichtungen. Wie Sie es dennoch schaffen können, den Anforderungen Ihrer Promotionszeit gerecht zu werden und trotzdem in Balance zu bleiben?
In diesem 5-teiligen Online-Seminar erfahren die Teilnehmenden, wie es gut gelingen kann, mit belastenden und nervenaufreibenden Situationen gelassener, sicherer und gesünder umzugehen.

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25. Jan 2022

[IAMO GS] Get ready for successful media interaction: Camera Coaching (March 30, 2022)

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There are two free slots in this workshop organised by the IAMO Graduate School.

This practical seminar helps you to get the right wording for explaining your research findings to a non-scientific audience. It prepares you for various interview situations (e.g.  background interview to a print journalist, live interview, discussion rounds on the radio/TV). Practical exercises (camera based) train the appropriate communication for different medium outlets and target groups. 

Participants learn:

  • Choosing the right words: Presenting complex facts in a simple and pointed way
  • How to get prepared for media appearances /media interaction 
  • How to act and argue in interviews or other media interactions   


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