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Complementary Skills Workshop 2022

25. Jan 2022

Successful Networking (March, 8, 10, 2022 | online)

Learning new communication skills

Networking well done is about nurturing relationships authentically around common interests, mutual liking, or simply respect. Yet many professionals find it difficult to do; they object to it and only turn to networking when they absolutely need help.

It doesn’t have to be this way. If we do it well, the relationships we nurture become critical to our ability to get things done, get ahead, and develop personally and professionally.
The goal of this workinar (workshop meets webinar) is to identify and unlock successful networking behaviours and learn new ways of communicating. How can I best introduce myself to others? What is most important about reaching out to contacts? Working together we will mobilize your most promising networking skills (both for academic and non-academic opportunities).

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24. Jan 2022

Introduction to Statistics and R (March, 7, 14, 21, 28, 2022)


R has become a leading statistical programming language in data science and statistics. The R software is free, highly extensible, and allows to easily produce publication-quality plots. The aim of this course is to equip participants with the basic skills to effectively use the software R, embedded in the user interface RStudio. These skills will cover data import, processing and data exploration, graphical representations with ggplot2, basic concepts of statistical inference and linear regression. All topics will be demonstrated in working examples and practiced with hands on examples.

The course will be split in two parts. In the first two days we are going to teach the basic functionality of R, RStudio, and ggplot2. Day three and four are dedicated to the application of statistical tests, which will be extended to linear mixed-effects models.

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14. Jan 2022

[Ref 3.2] Impact Training (February 8, 2022)

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There are vacant slots in this workshop offered by the staff development department (Ref 3.2) at MLU.

Do you feel under pressure to produce impact both within, but definitely beyond academia? But time is a scarce resource! And you are not yet clear how to build a successful impact strategy.

The training will give you a first introduction and solid foundation to impact communication. You will learn strategic communication skills that increase your visibility, sharpen your profile and enables you to cement your career milestones. The training is based on the latest research evidence and takes a unique relational approach to enable you to deliver significant and lasting impact with your research.

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10. Jan 2022

[Ref 3.2] Intensive Preparatory English for Academics (February 21 – March 18, 2022)

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The department Referat 3.2 – Personalentwicklung offers this workshop to doctoral students and postdocs at MLU. This course is a four week, five sessions per week class.

The goal of the course is to review both the basics of English grammar and tense structures, as well as, prepare students for writing long form texts in English. 
The course is designed with PhD students and Postdoctoral researchers in mind. A homework will be assigned at the end of every class, which is to be handed in that afternoon by email for correction.

The following core themes are part of this course:
concise and clear formulation on English sentences.

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10. Jan 2022

[BEAM] Women in Science – Talk and Power – Who Gets Heard and Why (31.01.2022 (online) + 07.03.2022)

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There are free slots at this workshop organised by research training group “BEAM (RTG 2670): Self-Organization of Soft Matter via Multiple Noncovalent Interactions”.

This workshop will give you the opportunity to examine the distinctions between communication styles at work – support-oriented (horizontal) versus status-oriented (vertical); these communication styles can determine success or failure within a largely male-dominated environment. Each style has its strengths and weaknesses; a solid awareness of both is the way to create progress. We will consider examples from your working environment demonstrating those communication strategies and behaviours that can drive a career up or down.

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16. Dec 2021

Find a Job in Germany’s Industry – Job Interviews and Contract Conditions (February 02, 09 and 17, 2022 | online)

Leaving academia and looking for a job in the industry is an important and sometimes difficult step. Understanding the application rules and the expectations of the company enables you to go through a quickly and successful job-search process outside academia.


  • Determination of salaries
  • Preparation and phases of interviews
  • Answering trick questions
  • Salary negotiation strategies
  • Self-presentation practice in small groups
  • Typical regulations in employment contracts
  • Work permit types and requirements
  • Culturally related rules at work
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14. Dec 2021

Good Scientific Practice (February 21, 22, 2022 | online)

The participants will get an overview about the rules of good scientific practice and the handling with cases of scientific misconduct, and will explore the differences and grey areas of questionable research practice. They will learn about local, national and international regulations and guidelines. It is a goal of the course to create space for reflexions about values and attitudes of science and the role of scientists. The participants will learn to develop appropriate solutions for difficult situations in the process of science. 


The content of the course follows the curriculum “Good scientific practice” from 2019, which was commissioned by and developed in cooperation with the German Research Ombudsman: 

  • Definitions of good scientific practice and scientific misconduct 
  • Degrees and extent of scientific misconduct
  • Examples for responsible and irresponsible conduct of research
  • Data management 
  • Authorship and the process of publication 
  • Mentoring and supervision 
  • Conflict management: how to deal with scientific misconduct
  • Reactions to scientific misconduct 
  • Local, national and international guidelines and regulations
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14. Dec 2021

Find a Job in Germany’s Industry – Job Search and Application (January 12 and 26, 2022 | online)

Leaving academia and looking for a job in the industry is an important and sometimes difficult step. Understanding the application rules and the expectations of recruiters is a necessary prerequisite. This intensive training helps you to go through a quickly and successful job-search process outside academia.


1. Job Search

  • Ideas for possible positions
  • Active and passive job search strategies

2. Application Documents

  • Content and design of an application
  • Analysis of job ads and estimation of chances
  • Individual application feedback in small groups
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13. Dec 2021

Next Level – E-Poster Design (February 15-16, 2022 | online)


Understand that the e-poster concept provides a wide range of innovative possibilities to create far more than a single static poster sheet. Gain the knowledge how to take advantage of the full potential of the e-poster medium to communicate your science dynamically, illustratively and engaging.

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30. Nov 2021

Concept and Design of Academic Presentations (January 25, 2022 | online)

Starting Point

Among all the challenges you might face being a scientist, you should be able to effectively communicate your research and share your knowledge to a wide range of audiences by the means of academic presentations. 
To draw your audience in and to get your main message across, you need a clear concept, proper slides, and convincing visuals. 

The workshop conveys a basic knowledge about concept, design, and visualisation to present research content visually well organized and compelling. The course will equip you with both the concepts and the practical design skills to create convincing presentations and provides the possibility to put directly into practice what you have learned as well as to get useful feedback from group and trainer.

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