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News from graduate schools

12. May 2021

DFG approves new Research Training Group “Subject-Specific Learning and Interaction in Elementary School” at MLU

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The Senate of the German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved the application for the Research Training Group (RTG) 2731 “Subject-Specific Learning and Interaction in Elementary School”. This will provide Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and University of Kassel with around four million euros for the training of doctoral students until 2026. The new research projects will focus on interactive practice in German and mathematics teaching in elementary schools.

(from MLU press release No 071/2021 from May 10, 2021)

About GRK 2731

Research Training Group “Subject-Specific Learning and Interaction in Elementary School (GRK 2731)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Georg Breidenstein (funding 2022-2026)

12. May 2021

[GKB] A.W. Amo Lecture (May 26, 2021)

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Dr. Daniele Cantini is delighted to invite you to the Amo Lecture 2021, organised by the Research Cluster and Graduate School Society and Culture in Motion, on Wednesday 26 May, 6pm (CEST), which will take place online. 

This year, the Amo Lecture will be held by Ayelet Shachar, Professor of Law, Political Science, and Global Affairs, holder of the R.F. Harney Chair in Ethnic, Immigration and Pluralism Studies at the University of Toronto (Canada) on the topic “The Shifting Border: Legal Cartographies of Migration and Mobility.”

For further details on the topic and the speaker, please see the official announcement, and on the webseite. The organisers would be most grateful if you would share this invitation with your colleagues and students in your departments. Please do not hesitate to contact the Convenor of the Amo Lecture, Prof. Olaf Zenker, with any further questions you may have:  

28. Apr 2021

[PlantBioChem] Leibniz Plant Biochemistry Symposium 2021 (May 7, 2021 | online)

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On May 7, 2021, the IPB will host its annual Leibniz Plant Biochemistry Symposium. The theme of the symposium, that will take place online this year, will be Plant Cell Walls.

We are looking forward to presentations by the following invited speakers: 

  • Jenny Mortimer, University of Adelaide, AU
  • Simon Turner, University of Manchester, UK 
  • Staffan Persson, University of Copenhagen, DK
  • Antonio Molina, Plant Biotechnology and Genomics Center, CBGP, UPM-INIA, Madrid, ES
  • Olivier Hamant, Laboratory of Plant Reproduction and Development RDP, Lyon, FR
  • Yoselin Benitez-Alfonso, University of Leeds, UK
  • Anja Geitmann, McGill University, Montreal, CA

Please check the IPB website for detailed information.

Participation is free of charge. Recorded talks will be made available to registered participants for 72h following the Symposium.

15. Apr 2021

Upcoming workshops at IPB (March/April 2021)

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The Leibniz Research School PlantBioChem at Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry (IBP) organizes the following workshops:

  • Introduction to OMICS (Part I) with Gerd Balcke, Micha Devi
    on Fri, March 26, 1 pm – 3 pm
  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and MetFamily software tool (Part II) with Gerd Balcke, Micha Devi
    date tba
  • Introduction to and Common Questions in Quantitative PCR (qPCR) with Dr. Selma Gago Zachert (MLU)
    on Fri, April 23, 2021
    1 pm – ca. 3.30 pm (registration open)

Remember that you can also always check here: for upcoming workshops that might be of interest to you.

12. Apr 2021

[RTG 2498] Introduction to Statistics and R – free slots (May 25 – June 1, 2021)

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There are free slots at one of the workshops of MLU’s research training groups (RTG) 2498 “Communication and Dynamics of Plant Cell Compartments” presented by Christian Ristok & Stephan Kambach.

Date: 25 May – 01 June, 2021 (Part I)
Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Format: Online Webinar (MLUconf)

Further details and registration at:

18. Feb 2021

[ScienceCampus] Workshop CliMetabolomics (June & September 2021)

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CliMetabolomicsis a Franco-german Research Workshop that aims for a better understanding of the plasticity of plants and to develop sustainable plants adapted to climate change. CliMetabolomics offers training in analytical tools and an innovation management method to early career scientists.

The workshop lasts two weeks and consists of seminars, discussions and many practical courses.

  • 14th – 18th June 2021 in France (Versailles & Bordeaux)
  • 27th – 30th September 2021 in Germany (Leipzig & Halle/ Saale)

The workshop is open to PhD students, post-docs and scientists who conduct researchs on plant metabolomics and who are interested in sustainability in the context of climate change.

Please register until April 30, 2021. Further information, the detailed program and latest news can be found at the website.

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13. Nov 2020

Funding for research training group “ProMoAge” extended

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The Research Training Group 2155 “ProMoAge – Protein Modification: A Key Mechanism for Ageing” can continue its work for another four years. The DFG is funding the second phase with approximately 5.5 million euros. The GRK is managed by the Medical Faculty of the MLU together with the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.

Read more (in German)

10. Nov 2020

DFG approves new Research Training Group “Beyond Amphiphilicity” at MLU

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The Senate of the German Research Foundation (DFG) decided on Friday to establish the new Research Training Group “Beyond Amphiphilicity: Self-Organization of Soft Matter Via Multiple Noncovalent Interactions (GRK 2670)” at MLU. In the first funding phase until 2025, about 4.5 million euros will be available for the doctoral program.

(from MLU press release No 157/2020 from November 9, 2020)

About GRK 2670

Research Training Group “Beyond Amphiphilicity: Self-Organization of Soft Matter Via Multiple Noncovalent Interactions (GRK 2670)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Dariush Hinderberger (funding 2021-2025) (link)

Amphiphilicity is a well-established qualitative concept contributing to the understanding of self-assembly processes of molecules composed of two inherently incompatible units (hydrophilic and hydrophobic) in aqueous systems. Polyphilic molecules are more complex molecules, from small molecules to macromolecules, that have interaction patterns with at least two types of interactions, one of them based on amphiphilicity. Self-assembled soft matter systems attain their complexity through noncovalent interaction patterns of their molecular constituents with their environment, solvents, biomolecules, membranes, and surfaces.

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2. Nov 2020

MENTAL HEALTH LITERACY TALK – online (November 12, 2020)

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This lecture is about the prevalence of mental health illness in general and academic populations, about signs and symptoms and the science underlying the causes and treatments of mental illnesses, with an emphasis on depression and anxiety.

Our speaker will be Wendy Marie Ingram, PhD. She is a scientist, mental health advocate, consultant and speaker. She is a Founder and CEO at Dragonfly Mental Health, a Global Consortium for Academic Mental Health, established in 2019.

The talk will cover the following topics:

  • the prevalence of mental health illness in general and academic populations
  • an overview of signs and symptoms highlighting those seen in academic settings
  • the science underlying the causes and treatments of mental illnesses, with an emphasis on depression and anxiety
  • what to do and when to get help
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14. Sep 2020

Upcoming courses in doctoral program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business”

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Please register for the following three upcoming courses:

  • Behavioral Business Ethics (winter term 2020/21) by Prof. Dr. Philipp Schreck,
  • Markets without Limits (December 02, 2020 and January 14, 2021),
  • Philosophical Ethics of Leadership (January 22/29, 2021)
[ Read On … ]

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