Im Rahmen des Verbundprojekts CASE laden die HS Harz und HS Anhalt ein zur
PhD Autumn School zum Thema
„Wissenschaftskommunikation – das Teil, wovon Sie alle schon mal gehört haben“
vom 4. bis 6. Oktober in Wernigerode ein.
Die diesjährige PhD Autumn School, organisiert von den Hochschulen Harz und Anhalt, bietet Promovierenden des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt eine großartige Gelegenheit, Ihr Wissen im Bereich Stimmtraining, Wissenschaftskommunikation und Graphical Abstract zu erweitern und wichtige Fähigkeiten zu erwerben.
Die VBL (Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder) ist Deutschlands größte Zusatzversorgungskasse zur betrieblichen Altersversorgung für Beschäftigte des öffentlichen Dienstes. Somit auch ein mögliches Thema für wissenschaftlich Beschäftigte (Promovierende und PostDocs) der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Doch es gibt einige Besonderheiten, die es zu beachten gilt.
For the translation of an English-language questionnaire to assess a person’s personality, one of MLU’s doctoral students is looking for people who are proficient in both German and English at a native-speaker level.
Participation consists of answering two online questionnaires one week apart (date 1: approx. 30 min, date 2: approx. 25 min). The first 30 participants will receive a thank-you gift of 30€ for their participation. Further information and the link to the study:
If you have any questions or uncertainties, please contact . Thank you very much for your assistance and contribution to personality research!
The doctoral program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business” offers the following workshops to doctoral students at MLU
MARKETS WITHOUT LIMITS (November 24, 2023 and January 18, 2024) by Prof. Dr. Ingo Pies, MLU
In recent years, prominent academics like Michael Sandel have criticized the tendency of markets to commodify human relations. They argue that some things should not be for sale, and they emphasize what money can’t buy. As a consequence, they call for limiting the extent of the market in modern society. In doing so, they argue from the vantage point of (ancient, Aristotelian) virtue ethics. This has prompted critical reactions, both from economists and philosophers. Recently, Jason Brennan and Peter Jaworski devoted a whole book to repudiating and countering the numerous arguments by virtue ethicists. Their perspective might seem unfamiliar, and hence especially informative and surprising, which makes reading their book an intellectual event – irrespective of whether you agree with them or not. – This course introduces the moral debate and examines the political relevance of the topic:
Should kidneys be for sale? Should we legalize drugs? Should prostitution be prohibited? Should we restrict suicide assistance to not-for-profit organizations? Should we outlaw surrogate motherhood?
PHILOSOPHICAL ETHICS AND LEADERSHIP (January 11 and 12, 2024) by PD Dr. Lisa Schmalzried, MLU
To fill leadership positions adequately is a demanding task, and some managers are not able or willing to take up this challenge. This is a problem. Bad leadership is responsible for many economic, social, and also personal problems. It impairs a company ́s performance and its profits, demotivates and daunts employees, or leads to burn outs and depressions. Good leadership on the other hand stimulates innovations and creativity, fosters constructive problem solving, excites employees for new tasks and promotes their talents. The question what defines good and bad leadership is thus highly relevant.
The interactive workshop aims at improving non-native English speakers’ skills in writing scientific texts in English and to permanently upgrade the linguistic quality of their English writing. Participants will be equipped with a textbook written by the trainer that covers all the features introduced during the sessions, they will have ample opportunity to ask individual questions, and they will receive immediate feedback on their own writing.
Inspired by the celebration of the Postdoc Appreciation Week in the USA and the UK, the PAW Germany coordination team invited researchers and research institutions, postdoc coordinators and research administrators all over Germany to join in creating a special program, events and a social media campaign to honor the incredible work of postdocs!
The initiative was well taken and our colleagues and postdoc networks all over the country quickly put together a great program with a wide range of topics – most of them online and open for attendees from any institution in Germany.
Find out more about the Postdoc Appreciation Week (PAW) Germany at
This survey by the Research Data Management Working Group of the IT Commission of the State of Saxony-Anhalt requests your feedback on the state of research data management in the state’s universities.
With this survey, the IT Commission would like to ask about the infrastructure needs for research data management at the various institutions in the state of Saxony-Anhalt.
spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Karin Frank, coordinator: Dr. Daniel Kaping (funding since 2007)
The “Helmholtz Interdisciplinary GRADuate School for Environmental Research (HIGRADE)” provides a coherent framework for qualifying new generations of internationally competitive doctoral researchers in the field of environmental science. The aim is to prepare doctoral researchers at the UFZ for careers in a range of environmental fields, i.e. for taking over leading positions in research, management and policy, technology development, or consulting and education. [read more]
spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Stuart Parkin, coordinator: Dr. Ann-Kristin Flieger, Michael Strauch (funding 2017-2028)
About the doctoral program
The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) exploits the successful research network between the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics and the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems, Halle, to carry out research into novel atomically engineered materials for nano-systems which tackles grand societal challenges in the fields of information technology and sustainability. [read more]
spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Ingo Heilmann, coordinator: Dr. Julia Grimmer (funding 2019-2028)
About the doctoral program
The chosen scientific focus centers on the dynamics and communication of plant cell compartments, such as plastids and nuclei, which are key factors defining the properties of plant cells. The unifying research hypothesis of this RTG is that the control of key physiological processes during plant development or environmental adaptation involves the coordinated action of organelles. So far, studies of plant cell compartments have mostly focused on a single type of organelle, leading to a wealth of information regarding its structure, function, and biogenesis.