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27. Jan 2020

Gender in der Lehre für Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaftler*innen (vacant slots | February 11, 2020)

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Dieses Training bietet den Teilnehmenden die Möglichkeit, die Entwicklung ihrer Lehrgestaltung in Hinblick auf eine gender- und diversitätssensible Didaktik auszubauen. Lehrende reflektieren gemeinsam die Inhalte und Methoden ihrer Lehrveranstaltungen und lernen sie zu verbessern. Die Veranstaltung dient dem Überblick über die Vielzahl von gender- und diversitätssensiblen Aspekten in Seminaren und Vorlesungen sowie der diskriminierungskritischen Sprachverwendung in Lehrmaterialien und in der Kommunikation mit Studierenden.

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27. Jan 2020

Förderung für Forschung der Europäischen Union – Grundlagen und Einstiegsmöglichkeiten (vacant slots | February 6, 2020)

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Der Workshop richtet sich disziplinübergreifend an Antragsberechtigte für Forschungsprojekte und befasst sich schwerpunktmäßig mit dem Programm HORIZON 2020 aber auch mit assoziierten Programmen wie z. B. ERAnets. Ziel des Workshops ist die Vermittlung von Grundlagen zur Förderung von Forschungs- und Innovationsprojekten durch die Europäische Union.

Dem Teilnehmerkreis werden die Europäische Forschungsförder- landschaft und ihre Förderinstrumente vorgestellt. Die Teilnehmenden lernen Voraussetzungen zur Beteiligung, und die Einstiegsmöglichkeiten. Sie bekommen einen Überblick über die relevanten Akteure und Institutionen. Es werden die Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten für EU-Antragsstellungen und -projekte an der MLU vorgestellt.

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27. Jan 2020

Drittmittelförderungen mit der Möglichkeit zur Habilitation (vacant slots | June 11, 2020)

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Die Informationsveranstaltung richtet sich disziplinübergreifend an alle Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler der Martin-Luther-Universität, die zukünftig Drittmittelanträge für individuelle Forschungsprojekte stellen wollen und dabei das Ziel haben zu habilitieren.

Es werden Förderangebote u. a. der DFG, der VW-Stiftung und des ERC vorgestellt und deren Voraussetzungen und Bedingungen erläutert. Darüber hinaus erhalten die Teilnehmenden einen Überblick über die Grundzüge der jeweiligen Antragsverfahren.

Die Teilnehmenden erhalten einen Überblick über Fördermöglichkeiten für individuelle Projekte, in deren Rahmen eine Habilitation möglich ist.

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23. Jan 2020

FEM POWER – Professionalization through Coaching

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The format focusses on an indvidual, professional, goal- and process oriented coaching with up to five sessions during a period of approximately one year.

The following persons at Martin-Luther-Universität are eligible to apply:

  • Posdoctoral researchers
  • Researchers working on their habilitation thesis
  • Group leaders
  • Junior Professors

The next call for applications will be in summer 2020.

If you have questions please contact the project coordinator.

Further information

22. Jan 2020

IPK Graduate Program

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spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Nicolaus von Wirén, coordinator: Dr. Britt Leps

Doctoral students from over 30 countries are engaged in research aiming to improve crop plants. Their work is focused on enhancing adaptation to drought and high temperature, strengthening host resistance to a number of diseases, bolstering the plants‘ capacity to take up nutrients and water from the soil, and generally increasing crop productivity. [read more]

The graduate school is part of Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK). It is one of the world’s leading international institutions in the field of plant genetics and crop science. Its research programme and services contribute materially to conserving, exploring and exploiting crop diversity. Its research goals are driven by the need to ensure an efficient and sustainable supply of food, energy and raw materials, thereby addressing a major global ecological challenge. website


  • Universität Göttingen
  • Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
  • Julius Kühn-Institut, Quedlinburg
  • Hochschule Anhalt
  • Hochschule Harz
  • Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie, Golm
  • National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Tsukuba, Japan

22. Jan 2020

Vladimir-Admoni-Programm “Sprach- und Sprechwissenschaft”

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spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Ines Bose
(funding 2017-2019, 2020-2022)

The Vladimir Admoni Program supports a new generation of young researchers in the field of German studies in the countries of Central Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and in the Middle East/North Africa region in the form of a “Small Doctoral School”. The target group is graduate students (Masters) who are aiming for a doctorate and who, according to their own wishes, on the basis of their personal and professional aptitude and in accordance with the university’s intentions, are to represent the future generation of young academics. [read more]

Current research topics are:

  • Updates of the frame tolerance in the discourse of migration in Russian, German and American print media
  • Interferences at the phono-stylistic level in the learning of German as a foreign language with special consideration of technical language aspects
  • Prosodic and paralingual characteristics of speech situations greetings / congratulations in Russian, German, Italian and Spanish
  • Phono-stylistic characteristics of business news in consideration of the auditory perception


  • Universität Hamburg
  • WGU Woronesh
  • FEFU Wladiwostok

22. Jan 2020

International Max Planck Research School for the Anthropology, Archaeology and History of Eurasia (IMPRS ANARCHIE)

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spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Chris Hann, Prof. Dr. François Bertemes, Prof. Dr. Andreas Pecăr, coordinator: Dr. Sascha Roth
(funding 2012-2021)

ANARCHIE is dedicated to the study of diachronic processes in societies and cultures of the Old World. They are studied in a comparative transnational framework that focuses on the entire land mass of Asia and Europe, including the Mediterranean south coast. The aim of the graduate programme is to make theories and methods of archaeology, ethnology and history fruitful for each other through their mutual opening.

Four successive cohorts of about twelve international doctoral students each form common thematic foci: (1) collective identifications, (2) religion and ritual, (3) economic and demographic drivers of social change, and (4) representing domination. [read more]

Faculties and partners:

  • Faculty of Philosophy I
  • Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle

22. Jan 2020

Doctoral program “Languages – Texts – Society. Interpreting Asia and Europe”

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spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Ralf Elger, Prof. Dr. Christian Oberländer, coordinator: NN

The doctoral program supports research work which, on the basis of philological as well as humanities, cultural and social science findings, theories and methods, deals with texts from different language areas, cultures and epochs, with regard to their cultural and social relevance. The methods used in the doctoral theses cover a broad spectrum (discourse analysis, editing, sociology of literature, media analysis, source criticism, structural analysis, text-immanent interpretation, recognition of historical contexts, etc.) and include in particular analysis using digital technology. The diversity of the cultures and linguistic genres dealt with is intended to ensure that overcoming the European horizon does not lead to thinking in simple dichotomies (“East” and “West” etc.). [read more]

The doctoral programme “Languages – Texts – Society. Interpreting Asia and Europe” is an interdisciplinary course of study in the field of philological and regional science-oriented humanities. It aims to convey philological methods as central instruments of cultural and social science analysis and is offered by the Oriental Institute at MLU. website

17. Jan 2020

8th call for applications for the mentoring program for female postdocs

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The mentoring program for female postdocs at the Universities of Halle, Jena and Leipzig will start its 8th round in June 2020.

It is targeted at highly-qualified female Postdocs, researchers undertaking a ‘habilitation’, junior scientist group leaders and junior professors in all disciplines at these universities who were awarded their doctorate at least 2 years ago and aspire to a professorship at a German university.

The focus is on one-to-one mentoring by experienced professors. This is flanked by further training courses on career-relevant key qualifications and the opportunity to establish long-term interdisciplinary peer contacts.

Participation in the programme lasts for one year; an extension is possible.
The aim is to impart knowledge, skills and contacts that are conducive to the efficient planning and pursuit of a career in science.

Application deadline for Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg is 28.02.2020.

Please check the website for further information:

10. Jan 2020

Research training group “Intermediation and Translation in Transition”

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spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Jörg Dinkelaker, coordinator: Dr. Klara-Aylin Wenten (funded by Hans Böckler Foundation (HBS) 2019-2023)

The Research Training Group “Vermittlung und Übersetzung im Wandel – Relationale Praktiken der Differenzbearbeitung angesichts neuer Grenzen der Teilhabe an Wissen und Arbeit” explores changes in practices and settings of intermediation and translation unfolding in the context of advancing digitalisation, automation and globalisation in the world of work. We aim for a better understanding of intermediation and translation as two modes of dealing with the boundaries of access to knowledge and societal participation.

The studies conducted within the group proceed on a transdisciplinary (educational science, business studies, linguistics, sociology) and empirical basis, continuously conscious of the broader context of societal transformation. Our objective is to cast light, from a relational perspective, on the challenges and limitations of facilitating people’s access to societal participation via intermediation and translation. [read more]

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