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10. Jan 2020

IAMO Graduate School

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spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzfeld, coordinator: Dr. Franziska Hauff 

Internationally oriented research in agricultural and food economics and exchange of ideas between academic, business, and political communities are in the focus. Main research areas are policies and institutions, natural resource use, livelihoods in rural areas, organization of agriculture and agricultural value chains.

IAMO Graduate School (IGS) offers an international working environment for doctoral researchers who want to advance their doctoral studies in a structured yet flexible program in the field of agricultural and food economics. An excellent research infrastructure, close individual supervision, challenging activities in an international and interdisciplinary research community and tailored training offer optimal conditions for a doctorate. [read more]


  • Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

10. Jan 2020

Doctoral program “Language – Literature – Society”

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spokesperson: Dr. Steffen Hendel, coordinator: Felix Kraft

The contents of the study program are designed to make the interdisciplinary dialogue from the individual philologies fruitful for an understanding of modern societies in terms of cultural studies and to relate to discourse patterns of different language areas and cultures. Within the framework of the offered research program, the literary, comparative and linguistic approaches and methods are devoted primarily to the interrelationships of influence between literature or language and the formations of social and cultural reality from the 19th century to the present. Following the procedures of postmodern theory-building to focus on the constructed nature of social reality, the reality of social constructs is the focus of research interest here. [read more]

With the doctoral program Language – Literature – Society, the Faculty of Philosophy II of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg provides a research-oriented, interdisciplinarily structured teaching programme for doctoral candidates in linguistics, speech and literature., website

10. Jan 2020

International Graduate School “The obligation of societal norms”

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spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Heiner F. Klemme, Prof. Dr. Andreas Pečar
(funding 2018-2021)

The research of the international graduate school focuses on a central inter- and transdisciplinary question: How are political, ethical, legal, religious, cultural, or aesthetic norms and values made binding or acknowledged as binding for individuals within a society? Connected with this central question, we also ask: What sources of authority are concerned with justifying the recognition of these norms and values, or with motivating members of society to adhere to them? Are the rules, principles, and laws explicitly formulated or are they simply implicitly assumed? What are the relationships and tensions between transcendental sources of legitimacy and authority on the one hand and worldly contexts of justification on the other? What societal ideals do these norms and values express? Are they responding to specific cultural, social, philosophical, and religious conflicts, crises, or upheavals? Can societal processes and revolutions be triggered, in their turn, by discourses about norms and obligations? [read more]

The graduate school is part of the Center of Excellence, “Enlightenment – Religion – Knowledge” established through an initiative of the state of Saxony-Anhalt in October, 2006. Its objective is the interdisciplinary investigation of the transformation of the religious and the rational in the modern period. (Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Andreas Pečar) website

Faculties and partners:

  • Faculty of Philosophy I
  • Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
  • Ministry of Education of Saxony-Anhalt
  • German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
  • University of Vienna

10. Jan 2020

Hallesches Doctoral Certificate Programme in Medicine (HaPKoM)

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Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Michael Bucher, coordinator: Michael Marquardt
(founded in 2012)

Dissertation topics in particular (i.e. but not exclusively) in the area of the two research foci of the Medical Faculty are cancer research/ molecular medicine of signal transduction and clinical epidemiology and nursing research. [read more]

The doctoral certificate program comprises all structured doctoral programs of the Medical Faculty of Martin Luther University. It is an instrument of the Medical Faculty for the promotion of young scientists. website

9. Jan 2020

IWH Doctoral Programme in Economics (IWH-DPE)

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Prof. Dr. Oliver Holtemöller, coordinator: Dr. Andrej Drygalla

The course program is a structured curriculum that provides doctoral students with an outstanding training in the fields related to the IWH Research Profile „From Transition to European Integration“.

The program comprises mandatory Frontiers Courses in the core fields of economics, optional required Special Courses in selected fields and personal qualification workshops. [read more]

The Halle Institute for Economic Research Halle (IWH) – Member of the Leibniz Association is home to many exceptionally motivated and highly skilled young researchers working on a doctoral dissertation in economics in the doctoral program, website


  • Technische Universität Dresden
  • Friedrich Schiller University Jena
  • Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
  • Leipzig University

9. Jan 2020

International doctoral program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business”

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Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Philipp Schreck , coordinator: Tatjana Arnold (funding period 2014-2026) by Karl Schlecht Foundation (KSG)

How can the economy become part of the solution to social challenges? What shape should the economic system take for this purpose? What responsibilities should companies be held accountable for? And what defines good leadership? – The aim of the international doctoral program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business” is to promote research that develops scientifically well-founded, and practically applicable answers to these questions. [read more]

The Wittenberg-Center for Global Ethics (WCGE) hosts this doctoral program, and the Karl Schlecht Foundation (KSG) finances it., website


  • University of Mannheim
  • HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
  • Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen

9. Jan 2020

Overview of InGrA workshops 2020

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Here you find an overview of InGrA workshops in 2020. Please follow the links for further details and registration.

March 2020

May 2020

June 2020

July 2020

September 2020

October 2020

November 2020

December 2020

Detailed information on workshops of InGrA, university’s staff development department and faculty-specific workshops by structured doctoral programs can be found at Workshops 2020

9. Jan 2020

Why, what, how? – Knowledge transfer and startups at MLU (January 28, 2020)

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8. Jan 2020

MLU Newcomers Club – Free guided tour through Meckel Anatomical Collection – January 19, 2020 @ 2 pm

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The first MLU NCC event in 2020 will be our FREE guided tour through the famous Meckel anatomical collectionon the 19th January at 2 pm (in English; guide: Prof. Bernd Fischer) If interested, please contact Prof. Fischer to pre-register ()

Please note that this tour is not suitable for children under 16.

18. Dec 2019

Find the right career path and be successful – Winterschool for Postdocs (March 2-6, 2020)

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Aims and scope

The ScienceCampus Halle – Plant-Based Bioeconomy is organising a winter school for postdocs and doctoral students at an advanced stage from 02 to 06 March 2020. The aim is to develop a professional orientation in the academic and non-academic field. Please note that the Winter School offers a selection of the following complementary skills workshop:

  • How to find your Job on the German Non-Academic Labour Market
  • Blast your fussy mind – Entrepreneurship as career option
  • Third-applications for one´s own position in the postdoc phase
  • Research data management
  • Intellectual Property rights and alternative forms of protection
  • How to use Networking to Advantage
[ Read On … ]

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