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17. Jul 2024

ARD-Dokuserie zur Ära Merkel

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Am heutigen 17. Juli 2024 begeht die frühere Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel ihren 70. Geburtstag. Bereits seit mehreren Tagen ist in der ARD-Mediathek eine fünfteilige Dokuserie abrufbar, die die biografischen Stationen Merkels, ihre Arbeit als Bundeskanzlerin, ihr Verständnis von Politik sowie ihren Umgang mit politischen Freunden und Gegnern thematisiert. Abzurufen sind die Folgen hier. Einige Hintergründe zur Serie sind beim NDR nachzulesen.

Über Michael Kolkmann

306 Kommentare

  1. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it eleven
    iptv uk six

  2. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it eleven
    iptv uk eight

  3. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it eleven nine
    iptv uk

  4. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it eleven ten
    iptv uk

  5. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it eleven eleven
    iptv uk

  6. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it eleven twelve
    iptv uk

  7. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it thirteen
    iptv uk

  8. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it eleven fourteen
    iptv uk

  9. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it eleven fifteen
    iptv uk

  10. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it sixteen
    iptv uk

  11. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it seventeen
    iptv uk

  12. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it eighteen
    iptv uk

  13. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it nineteen
    iptv uk

  14. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it twenty
    iptv uk

  15. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it one
    iptv uk

  16. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it two
    iptv uk

  17. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it three
    iptv uk

  18. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it four
    iptv uk

  19. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it five
    iptv uk

  20. iptvuk sagt:

    really interesting clear that I just to thank for it five
    iptv uk


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