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10. Okt 2011

Veränderte Sprechzeit im Wintersemester

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Ab sofort findet meine Sprechstunde nicht mehr donnerstags, sondern dienstags von 10 bis 12 Uhr statt. Unabhängig von diesem Termin können wir natürlich jederzeit einen separaten Termin vereinbaren, Email genügt.

Über Michael Kolkmann

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  6. Surah Al-Mulk, the 67th chapter of the Qur’an, holds a special place in Islamic tradition and spirituality. This Meccan surah, consisting of 30 verses (ayat), is frequently recited by Muslims for protection, guidance, and the remembrance of Allah’s dominion over all creation. The name „Al-Mulk“ translates to „The Sovereignty“ or „The Kingdom,“ highlighting the primary theme of the surah: the absolute authority and control of Allah over the universe. The surah begins with a proclamation of the blessedness of Allah, the One in Whose hand is the dominion of all things. This opening sets the tone for the rest of the chapter, emphasizing the majesty and supreme power of Allah. It reminds believers that Allah is the Creator and Sustainer of everything, possessing ultimate control over life and death. This concept is reinforced throughout the surah, urging the faithful to recognize and submit to Allah’s unparalleled authority significant portion of Surah Al-Mulk focuses on the creation of the heavens and the earth as signs of Allah’s power and wisdom. It encourages contemplation of the natural world, urging humans to observe the perfection and order inherent in creation. The repeated exhortation to look again and again at the sky, to see if there are any flaws, serves as a powerful reminder of the meticulous and flawless design orchestrated by Allah. This reflection on the universe aims to foster a deeper sense of awe and gratitude towards the Creator, strengthening the believer’s faith.

  7. Surah Al-Waqi’ah, the 56th chapter of the Qur’an, is a Meccan surah consisting of 96 verses. Known as „The Event“ or „The Inevitable,“ it vividly describes the Day of Judgment and the categorization of people based on their deeds. This surah holds great significance in Islamic tradition and is often recited for its profound messages about the afterlife, the power of Allah, and the fate of humanity.


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