24. Jul 2024
Neuerscheinung: „Die Institution“
Verfasst von Michael Kolkmann
In dieser Woche ist das Buch „Die Institution“ von Michael Feldkamp erschienen. Darin zeichnet er anhand der 20 Wahlperioden, die er im Rahmen von kleinen „Miniaturen“ vorstellt, die wichtigsten Ereignisse, Prozesse und Herausforderungen in der Geschichte des Deutschen Bundestages nach. In diesem Kontext präsentiert er eine Fülle an empirischen Befunden aus der parlamentarischen Arbeit zwischen Bonn und Berlin, stellt aber auch zahlreiche Anekdoten und Geschichte aus dem Innenleben des Parlaments vor. Damit dürfte das Werk für zahlreiche unserer Lehrveranstaltungen rund um den Deutschen Bundestag von Interesse sein, aber natürlich auch für die eine oder andere Haus- und/oder Abschlussarbeit, die sich um diesen Untersuchungsgegenstand dreht.
Details zum Buch sind hier zu finden, in Kürze sollte es auch in unserer Universitätsbibliothek verfügbar sein.
Update 30. September 2024: eine ausführliche Rezension des Buches findet sich inzwischen hier.

Bundestagswahl 2021, Innenpolitik, Lektüren, Politikwissenschaft | 957 Kommentare
Schlagworte: Bundestag | Deutscher Bundestag | Michael Feldkamp | Parlament | Parlamentarismus | Parlamentarismusforschung
Über Michael Kolkmann
- Dozent/in
- Twitter: @herrkolkmann
I agree ?? iptv infinity we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thank you for sharing broowho else on my side
?? iptv infinity we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thank you for sharing broowho else on my side
I agree who else on my side ?? iptv infinity we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thank you for sharing broo
I agremy side ?? iptv infinity we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thank you for sharing broo
I agree?? iptv infinity we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thank you for sharing broo who else on my side
I agree ?? iptv infinity we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thank you for sharing broo who else on my side
I agree ?? iptv infinity we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thank you for sharing broowho else on my side
iptv infinity we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thank you for sharing broo I agree who else on my side ??
I agree side ?? iptv infinity we must assuwho else on myre to everyone that we are able to do so thank you for sharing broo
I agree who else on my side ?? iptv infinity we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thank you for sharing broo
I agree who else on my side ?? iptv infinity we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thank you for sharing broo
I agree whide ?? iptv infinity we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thank you for sharing broo
I agrede ?? iptv infinity we must asse who else on my siure to everyone that we are able to do so thank you for sharing broo
I agree who else on my side ?? iptv infinity we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thank you for sharing broo
I agree wde ?? iptv infinity we must assho else on my siure to everyone that w do so thank you for sharing broo
I agree who else o iptv infinity we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thank you for sharing broon my side ??
iptv infinity we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thank you for sharing broo
I agree who else on my side ?? iptv infinity
we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thank you for sharing brooiptv infinity
I agree who else we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thank you for sharing brooon my side ?? iptv infinity