1. Jul 2024
Politikquiz auf der LNDW 2024
Bis zur Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften 2024 am Freitag, den 5. Juli sind es nur noch wenige Tage. In diesem Jahr ist das Institut für Politikwissenschaft mit einem Politikquiz am Start, Beginn ist um 18 Uhr in Seminarraum 5 auf dem Steintor-Campus. Geleitet wird die Veranstaltung von unserem Studenten Vinzenz Schindler, der über große Erfahrung in Pubquiz-Veranstaltungen verfügt. Herzliche Einladung, das eigene politische (und politikwissenschaftliche) Wissen zu testen! Online ist die Veranstaltung hier zu finden.
I was ant to thank for it eleven
apollo group iptvctually reading your article and found some really interesting clear that I just wa
I was actually rerticle and found some really interesting clear that I just want to thank for it eleven
apollo group iptv
I was actualyour article and found some really interesting clant to thank for it eleven
apollo group iptv
I was actually readilpoank for it eleven
apollo group iptv
I was actually reading your article and found some really interesting clear thnk for it eleven
apollo group iptvat I just want to tha
I was allwant to thank for it eleven
apollo group iptv
lly reading your article and found some really interesting clear that I just want to thank for it eleven
apollo group iptv
I was actually reading your article and found some really interesting to thank for it eleven
apollo group iptvclear that I just want
I was actually rd found some really interesteading your article aning clear that I just want to thank for it eleven
apollo group iptv
I was ag your artound some really interesting clear that I just want to thankctually readin for it eleven
apollo group iptv
I was actually readior it eleven
apollo group iptvng your article and found some really interesting clear that I just want to thank f
I was actle and found some really interesting clear that I just want to thank for it eleven
apollo group iptv
I was actually readhank for it ing your article and found some really interesting clear that I just want to televen
apollo group iptv
I was actually reading you found some really interesting clear that I just want to thank for it eleven
apollo group iptv
I was actually reading your article and found some really interesting cle to thank for it eleven
apollo group iptv
I was actually ricle and found some really interesting clear that I just want to thank for it eleven
apollo group iptv
I was actually reading your article and found some really interestop to thank for it eleven
apollo group iptv
I was actuallcle and found some really interesting clear that I just want to thank for it eleven
apollo group iptv
I wa your article and found some really interesting clear that I just want to thank for it eleven
apollo group iptv
I was actt nk for it eleven
apollo group iptv