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17. Nov 2009

Nächster Jour Fixe am 26. November 2009

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espressotasseVorankündigung: am Donnerstag, den 26. November 2009, findet der zweite Jour Fixe im laufenden Semester statt. Start ist ab 18:15h, der Ort wird noch bekannt gegeben, das Cafe oder Restaurant wird aber unmittelbar am Hauptcampus gelegen sein.

Herzliche Einladung an alle Teilnehmer/innen meiner Lehrveranstaltungen, sich auf einen Kaffee oder ein Bier zusammen zu setzen, um über Politik und Politikwissenschaft, das Studium in Halle und andere aktuelle Themen zu sprechen!

Über Michael Kolkmann

204 Kommentare

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  2. I really enjoyed reading this piece! Your insights are incredibly spot-on, and the examples you included made the content feel so relatable and applicable to everyday life. I appreciate how you manage to connect theoretical concepts with real-world situations, making the information much more digestible. Thank you for sharing your expertise; I look forward to more of your insightful writings!

  3. You explained complex subjects in a straightforward manner that was easy to follow. The personal stories you shared added depth and relatability, making the content more enjoyable. I’m excited to incorporate some of your tips into my life. Keep up the great work.

  4. Engaging and Insightful! I enjoyed reading this! Your ability to explain complex ideas straightforwardly is impressive. The balance between factual information and personal insight made the post both informative and engaging. I found myself taking notes on several key points that I can’t wait to try out. Thanks for the time and effort you put into crafting this—it’s clear you know your audience well. Can’t wait to read more from you!


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