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v Anmelden

19. Okt 2012

Zahl des Tages (19. Oktober 2012)

Verfasst von

Anzahl der DIN-A-4-Seiten, die der Stenografische Dienst des Deutschen Bundestages im letzten Jahr verfasst hat: 8805. Aneinander gereiht entspricht das ca. 2km.
Quelle: SZ-Magazin, 19. Oktober 2012, S. 21.

Über Michael Kolkmann

44 Kommentare

  1. Crypto exchanges work similarly to a broker, giving you the tools to buy and sell cryptocurrencies easily. They also offer security features and storage options for your digital assets that may be superior to maintaining wallet software on your own. Cryptocurrency exchanges have started offering custodial key storage for their users, but you

  2. Crypto exchanges work similarly to a broker, giving you the tools to buy and sell cryptocurrencies easily. They also offer security features

  3. Crypto exchanges work similarly to a broker, giving you the tools to buy and sell cryptocurrencies easily. They also offer security

  4. Crypto exchanges work similarly to a broker, giving you the tools to buy and sell cryptocurrencies easily.


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