15. Jun 2024
Neuerscheinung: „Ungleich vereint“
Zu keinem Zeitpunkt als nach dem Wahlergebnis des vergangenen Wochenendes käme diese Neuerscheinung passender. Der Berliner Soziologe Steffen Mau thematisiert in seinem neuen Buch „Ungleich vereint“ das Ost-West-Verhältnis 34 Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung.
Wie bewertet man die Amalgierung zweier lange Zeit getrennter Gesellschaften? “Wir sehen, dass dieser Prozess nicht nach dem Drehbuch der Modernisierungstheorie verläuft und dass auch nach mehr als dreißig Jahren die Konturen zweier Teilgesellschaften erkennbar bleiben“, schreibt Mau in seinem Buch.
Hintergründe zum Buch sowie eine Leseprobe finden sich hier. Parallel sind ein ausführliches Interview mit dem Autor in der ZEIT (im Osten) sowie ein Essay im aktuellen SPIEGEL erschienen. Rezensionen finden sich zum Beispiel in der Süddeutschen, im Handelsblatt und im Tagesspiegel.
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream we really assure to everyone that we are able to do so thanks.
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream i must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thanks.
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream to everyone that we are able to do so thanks.
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream we must assure to everyone that we are able to do thanks.
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream we must assure to everyone that we are able to do
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream we must assure to everyone that we are able to
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream we must assure to everyone
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream we must assure
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thanks. january
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thanks. february
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thanks. march
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thanks. april
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thanks. may
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thanks. june
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thanks. july
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thanks. august
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thanks. august
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thanks. september
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thanks. october
Thank you for sharing up those informations Apreciate it alot iptv stream we must assure to everyone that we are able to do so thanks. november