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13. Apr 2021

Einblicke in die Lehramtsausbildung unter Pandemie-Bedingungen

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Seit Beginn der Corona-Pandemie stehen die Schülerinnen und Schüler in Deutschland im Fokus der öffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit wie auch der politischen Debatten um die richtige Vorgehensweise in dieser Pandemie. Wie wirkt sich aber die Pandemie auf die Lehramtsausbildung aus? Im Blog des Wissenschaftsjournalisten Jan-Martin Wiarda berichtet der Lehramtsanwärter Christopher Kohl von seinen Erfahrungen. Der Bericht kann hier nachgelesen werden.

Über Michael Kolkmann

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  6. Belçika sohbet But then something happened that I have experienced before but tend to forget when drafting proposals or completing an edit.

  7. İslami Sohbet Videos are not just about the final product and reaching an audience, they are also about the people behind the scenes – the inevitable collaboration between subject and filmmaker that spurs discussion and engenders trust.

  8. Zurna Sohbet This is sometimes very hard to do, especially when communities of different backgrounds come together to tackle an issue as complex, partisan, and pervasive as climate change.

  9. Zurna Chat As a land grant university, OSU has a responsibility for public engagement. And what greater public than the people whose lands were taken away over 150 years ago in the name of gold, fur, lumber, and for what would eventually become the American dream.

  10. Eski Mynet Sohbet But that dream is now under serious scrutiny – we have exploited these lands, and the ancient fossils buried deep within them, to a fault.

  11. Yazgülü Sohbet We have altered the natural balance that humans before us so delicately maintained and respected because it was innate to them and their relationship with nature.

  12. Yetişkin Sohbet We, us later arrivals, could learn a lot from them. And now is the time to turn to the proverbial elder, the native peoples of North America, and really listen.

  13. Yetişkin Sohbet Odaları This is when sharing ones expertise takes a turn and becomes a two-way street. What we had to offer this community very quickly became a lesson in how to frame these issues for people whose sense of place and ties to the land differ greatly from ours. And we were all ears.

  14. Avrupa sohbet Climate change is still, somehow, a hot button issue. But when it comes to subsistence and the preservation of ancient culture – survival even – there is no right or wrong, no Republican or Democratic Party, and no doubting that nature is out of balance.

  15. Hurdacı sagt:

    Türkçe mIRC There is only the meeting of basic human needs. For the Seminole tribes of South Florida, that’s freshwater as gradual sea level rise and storm surges contaminate aquifers.

  16. Sohbet yap And for the Umatilla here in the Pacific Northwest, that’s a serious shift in the wild foods harvested year-round. “Now I’ve got to learn how to plant a vegetable garden?” one participant lamented; that requires an entirely different, frankly western, set of skills.

  17. Sohbet Each of these stories need to be heard, and whether a short video or longer documentary is the best medium to bring the native perspective to the forefront of the debate on climate change, remains a question.

  18. sohbet But it’s certainly an important place to start, if not to inform policy on a state or federal level, then at least to get the behind-the-scenes discussion going between individuals of various backgrounds, regardless of language or lineage.

  19. Sohbet Odaları So though film, in very rare cases, has the potential to change how people spend their vacations or vote, the actual production of it is about people really creating something together and sharing perspectives on a profound level: communicator and scientist, artist and native elder, storyteller and storyteller.


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