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29. Nov 2021

Online-Talk zur Zwischenbilanz der Biden-Regierung

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Knapp zehn Monate ist die Administration von US-Präsident Joe Biden im Amt – damit ist es an der Zeit, eine innen- wie außenpolitische Bilanz seiner Regierung zu ziehen sowie auf die nächsten (Zwischen-)Wahlen im November 2022 vorauszublicken. Genau dies macht die Atlantische Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz e. V. am Donnerstag, den 2. Dezember 2021 von 14:30 bis 17:15 Uhr in einem Online-Talk. Nähere Informationen zur Veranstaltung, zu den einzelnen Expertinnen und Experten der beiden Panels sowie Details zur Anmeldemöglichkeit finden sich hier.

Über Michael Kolkmann

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    It seems to be a tropical weight loss supplement designed to support healthy weight loss by utilizing the power of brown adipose tissue (BAT). BAT, also known as brown fat, is a type of fat that actively contributes to calorie burning, making it a crucial factor in weight management.

    The supplement Puravive features a proprietary blend of eight powerful tropical nutrients and plants, all backed by clinical research, and is specially formulated to address low brown adipose tissue levels, a factor commonly found in overweight individuals. The innovative „rice method“ it introduces is intended to aid in the liquefaction of fat cells, offering a natural and convenient way to support healthy weight loss.

    The study mentioned in Nature Medicine revealed the importance of brown adipose tissue in maintaining healthy weight levels. This unique approach to weight management, harnessing the power of brown adipose tissue, sets Puravive apart as a promising addition to the field of weight management.

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