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14. Jan 2023

Stellenausschreibung Uni Erfurt

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An der Universität Erfurt ist an der Staatswissenschaftlichen Fakultät (Professur für Politische Bildung, insbes. für das politische System Deutschlands) zum 01.04.2023 eine befristete (Qualifizierungs-)Stelle als Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (m/w/d) im Umfang von 20 Wochenstunden zu besetzen. Details der Ausschreibung finden sich hier.

Über Michael Kolkmann

118 Kommentare

  1. Loved your perspective! The ease of doing business in Dubai, with its efficient processes and supportive government, is unmatched. It’s a great time to invest there, especially in tech and tourism!

  2. Excellent article! I believe Dubai’s business-friendly environment fosters growth, particularly in sectors like e-commerce and fintech. What industries do you think are booming right now?

  3. Informative post! The access to global markets from Dubai through its world-class logistics and transportation infrastructure is a huge advantage. What’s your take on future market trends?

  4. Really useful content! The network of professionals in Dubai is impressive for new entrepreneurs looking to connect and collaborate. Have you built any valuable connections that have helped your business?

  5. Thanks for sharing! The lifestyle benefits of living in Dubai, such as its safety and quality of life, also enhance the appeal of setting up a business there. What do you enjoy most about living and working in Dubai?

  6. Great insights! The support from the Dubai government for startups, through initiatives like Dubai SME, is commendable. It makes a real difference in helping businesses succeed. Have you taken advantage of any programs?

  7. Loved this post! The potential for digital businesses in Dubai is huge, particularly with the rise of e-commerce and online services. What innovative solutions are you seeing in the market?

  8. Fantastic tips! Understanding the cultural landscape in Dubai is crucial for business success. How do you suggest newcomers adapt to the local business etiquette and practices?

  9. Wonderful article! The potential for networking events in Dubai can’t be overlooked, especially with expos like GITEX and Arab Health. Have you attended any that you’d recommend for networking?

  10. Great read! The rise of tech startups in Dubai is fascinating, especially in sectors like AI and blockchain. What industries do you think are next in line for growth in the region?

  11. Thank you for the insights! Dubai truly offers a vibrant ecosystem for entrepreneurs, with access to investors and resources. What’s the most rewarding aspect of doing business there for you?

  12. Dubai’s tech startup scene, particularly in AI and blockchain, is thriving, offering a vibrant ecosystem for entrepreneurs with access to investors and resources.

  13. The article provides valuable insights on business success in Dubai, emphasizing the importance of understanding the local culture, networking opportunities, and the rise of tech startups in sectors like AI and blockchain. It also highlights Dubai’s vibrant ecosystem for entrepreneurs, offering access to investors and resources.

  14. The Dubai government’s support for startups through initiatives like Dubai SME is commendable, enhancing business success. The potential for digital businesses in Dubai is immense, especially with e-commerce.

  15. The content highlights Dubai’s impressive professional network, its safety and quality of life, and its appeal to new entrepreneurs, while also highlighting the lifestyle benefits.

  16. Dubai’s business-friendly environment, fostering growth in e-commerce and fintech sectors, and its world-class logistics infrastructure provide access to global markets, shaping future market trends.

  17. The text discusses the cultural diversity in Dubai, its unique value for businesses, and the challenges of navigating legal requirements for business setup. It also highlights the ease of doing business in Dubai, particularly in tech and tourism.

  18. Easy Setup Process: Streamlined procedures reduce the time and effort needed to establish your business.
    Variety of License Types: Choose from trading, industrial, and service licenses tailored to your business needs.
    Flexible Office Solutions: Options for virtual offices, shared workspaces, and dedicated office spaces. ajman free zone


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