14. Mai 2024
Neue Publikation: „Der nächste Redner ist eine Dame“
Verfasst von Michael Kolkmann
In diesem Jahr begeht der Deutsche Bundestag sein 75jähriges Jubiläum. Aus diesem Anlass finden in den nächsten Monaten zahlreiche Veranstaltungen statt. Am morgigen Mittwoch zum Beispiel präsentiert die Bundestagspräsidentin Bärbel Bas unter dem Titel „Der nächste Redner ist eine Dame“ eine Neuerscheinung über das Wirken der ersten Parlamentarierinnen im Deutschen Bundestag. Nähere Informationen zum Werk gibt es hier und hier. Das Buch ist bereits für unsere Universitätsbibliothek geordert.
Bundestagswahl 2021, Innenpolitik, Lektüren, Politikwissenschaft | 219 Kommentare
Schlagworte: Bärbel Bas | Bundestag | Deutscher Bundestag | Parlament | Parlamentarismus | Repräsentation
Über Michael Kolkmann
- Dozent/in
- Twitter: @herrkolkmann
Thank yound something that helped me. Keep up the amazing work. iptv1
Thank you fo ! I find something that helped me. Keep up the amazing work. iptv1
Thank you fo !mething that helped me. Keep up the amazing work. iptv1
Thank you fong that helped me. Keep up the amazing work. iptv1
Thank ya=hing that helped me. Keep up the amazing work. iptv1
Thank you fo ! I finally found something that helped me. Keep up the amazing work. iptv1
Thanknally found something that helped me. Keep up the amazing work. iptv1
Thank you fo something that helped me. Keep up the amazing work. iptv1
Thank you fo !g that helped me. Keep up the amazing work. iptv1
Thank yhhound something that helped me. Keep up the amazing work. iptv1
Thank you fo ! I finally found something that helped me. Keep up the amazing work. iptv1
Thank yot helped me. Keep up the amazing work. iptv1
Thank you fo ! I fiething that helped me. Keep up the amazing work. iptv1
Thank you fo ! I finally found something that helped me. Keep up the amazing work. iptv1
Thanmething that helped me. Ke up the amazing work. iptv1
Thank you fthat helped me. Keep up the amazing work. iptv1
Thank yething that helped me. Keep up the amazing work. iptv1
Thank! I finally found something that helped me. Keep up the amazing work. iptv1
Thank yat helped me. Keep up the amazing work. iptv1
Thank you fo ! lped me. Keep up the amazing work. iptv1