21. Mrz 2023
Neuerscheinung: „Handbuch Digitalisierung und politische Beteiligung“
Soeben ist das von Norbert Kersting, Jörg Radtke und Sigrid Bahringhorst herausgegebene „Handbuch Digitalisierung und politische Beteiligung“ erschienen. Auf der Verlagsseite heißt es über das Buch: „Das Handbuch gibt einen breiten Überblick über den Forschungsstand und aktuelle Entwicklungen im Kontext der Digitalisierung von Beteiligungsverfahren, -organisation und -praktiken durch öffentliche Einrichtungen, Zivilgesellschaft oder Privatwirtschaft. Interdisziplinär werden Perspektiven der Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften, Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften, Informatik sowie der Planungs- und Raumwissenschaften dargestellt.“
Über SpringerLink ist das Werk über unsere Universitätsbibliothek frei online abrufbar.
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Puravive is a dietary supplement designed to aid in weight management. It offers a unique approach focused on natural ingredients and targeting stubborn fat, aiming to convert it into energy, thus promoting weight loss and vitality.
It seems to be a tropical weight loss supplement designed to support healthy weight loss by utilizing the power of brown adipose tissue (BAT). BAT, also known as brown fat, is a type of fat that actively contributes to calorie burning, making it a crucial factor in weight management.
The supplement Puravive features a proprietary blend of eight powerful tropical nutrients and plants, all backed by clinical research, and is specially formulated to address low brown adipose tissue levels, a factor commonly found in overweight individuals. The innovative „rice method“ it introduces is intended to aid in the liquefaction of fat cells, offering a natural and convenient way to support healthy weight loss.
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A Guide on How to Add a Family Member to Your YouTube TV Account
Seamless Sharing with [url=https://www.youtvstart.com]tv.youtube tv/start[/url] Family Plans
Unlock the full potential of your YouTube TV subscription by adding family members to your account. YouTube TV’s Family Plans allow multiple users to enjoy personalized content recommendations, ensuring a tailored streaming experience for everyone.
Accessing Account Settings
Initiate the process by navigating to the account settings on your YouTube TV app or website. Look for the „Family Sharing“ or „Add Family Member“ option to start expanding your streaming circle.
Sending Invitations
Within the account settings, you’ll find an option to send invitations to family members. Provide their email addresses, and YouTube TV will send invites prompting them to join your shared plan.
Accepting Invitations and Personalizing Profiles
Family members receiving invitations can accept them with a simple click. Once accepted, they can personalize their profiles, ensuring that recommendations and preferences align with individual tastes.
Managing Family Members
As the account holder, you have control over managing family members. Add or remove members, ensuring that your YouTube TV experience reflects the dynamics of your household.
Adding family members to your [url=https://www.youtvstart.com]tv.youtube tv/start sign in[/url] account enhances the streaming experience, fostering a shared space for entertainment within your household. Explore the simplicity of Family Plans and create a personalized streaming haven for every member of your family.
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