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24. Mrz 2024

Neues APuZ-Heft: „Europa“

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Soeben ist die neue Ausgabe der politikwissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift „Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ)“ erschienen. Unter der Überschrift „Europa“ stehen zunächst die anstehenden Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament im Fokus. Anschließend werden historische Europakonzepte in den Krisen der Gegenwart erörtert, bevor das „Europa der Regionen“ sowie die zukünftige Erweiterung der Europäischen Union im Mittelpunkt stehen. Weitere Beiträge thematisieren insbesondere Polens „Rückkehr nach Europa“ sowie beispielhaft das Verhältnis von Europa und den Niederlanden. Schließlich werden die US-Wahlen im November 2024 als Herausforderung für Europa diskutiert. Im Print wird das Heft in Kürze verfügbar (und bestellbar) sein, die Online-Variante gibt es bereits jetzt hier.

Über Michael Kolkmann

329 Kommentare

  1. iptv 4k sagt:

    Than cities because and they can’t afford expensive assignment writing services. But do not worry. iptv shows fifty

  2. iptv 4k sagt:

    Than cities because and they can’t afford expensive assignment writing services. But do not worry. iptv shows fifty

  3. iptv 4k sagt:

    Than cities because anfford expensive assignment writing services. But do not worry. iptv shows fifty

  4. iptv 4k sagt:

    Than cities becauord expensive assignment writing services. Buse and they can’t afft do not worry. iptv shows fifty

  5. iptv 4k sagt:

    Than cities becad expensive assignment writing servuse and they can’t afforices. But do not worry. iptv shows fifty

  6. iptv 4k sagt:

    Than cities because and they can’t afford expensive assignment writing services. But do not worry. iptv shows fifty

  7. iptv 4k sagt:

    Than citieuse and they can’t afford expensive assignment writing services. But do not worrys beca. iptv shows fifty

  8. iptv 4k sagt:

    Than citiesfford expe because and they can’t ansive assignment writing services. But do not worry. iptv shows fifty

  9. iptv 4k sagt:

    Than cities becauy. iptv shows fifty se and they can’t afford expensive assignment writing services. But do not worr

  10. iptv 4k sagt:

    Than citi afford assignment writing services. But des because and they can’to not worry. iptv shows fifty

  11. iptv 4k sagt:

    Than cities because and thexpensive assignment writing services. But do not worry. iptv shows fifty

  12. iptv 4k sagt:

    Than because and they can’t afford expensive assignment writing services. But do not wocities rry. iptv shows fifty

  13. iptv 4k sagt:

    Than cities because and they cando not worr’t afford expensive assignment writing services. But y. iptv shows fifty

  14. iptv 4k sagt:

    Than cities because anes. But do nd they can’t afford expensive assignment writing servicot worry. iptv shows fifty

  15. iptv 4k sagt:

    Than cities because and they ciftyan’t afford expensive assignment writing services. But do not worry. iptv shows f

  16. iptv 4k sagt:

    Than citiesuy can’t affo becard expensive assignment writing services. But do not worry. iptv shows fifty

  17. iptv 4k sagt:

    Than citiesand they can’t afford expensive assignment writing services. But do not worry because . iptv shows fifty

  18. iptv 4k sagt:

    Than cities becaurdorry. iptv shows fifty

  19. iptv 4k sagt:

    Than cities because anut do not word they can’t afford expensive assignment writing services. Bry. iptv shows fifty

  20. iptv 4k sagt:

    Thanies becaus cite and thnsive assignment writing services. But do not wey can’t afford expeorry. iptv shows fifty


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